Birthday Special - Norway

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                             I can publish this. It's been sitting in my bank to post since last week when I wrote it in advance cause I got bored one day..


"Come on, Dudette! You gotta get a boyfriend! If you won't have the hero as your boyfriend then who do you have in mind?!"

This resulted in a slap in the face for him, "Alfred, I don't need your help in getting a boyfriend!-"

"Oh! Have you already got one?! (Y/n)! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"ALFRED! LISTEN! I don't have a boyfriend and I certainly don't need your help in finding one!"

"Well, then, Dudette. At least look on a dating site! You'll find someone there!"


And so, the next day, I woke up to a notification going off on my phone. I turned it on to see that it was a notification from some dating app. Alfred..... I hate you so much...... However, when I saw who it was that had liked the photos of me that Alfred had managed to get a hold of somehow, considering the fact that it was my best friend, Scarlett, who had taken them, I sort of relaxed my hatred of Alfred doing this for me.

Over the next few weeks, I contacted Lukas a lot, like at least once a day. If not twice, once in the morning and once at night and I soon learned that he had a little brother, whose name was Emil and he also lived with 'an annoying Dane' as he referred to Matthias as and two other males, Berwald and Tino, the latter of which having a small dog called Hanatamago. I soon decided after months of knowing each other and 2 months of us dating, I wanted to see him in person. I managed, somehow, to get in contact with Emil, who gave me their address so I knew where I was going when I got to Norway.


A few weeks later and I was packing up my stuff to fly to Norway to surprise Lukas. I soon finished packing and zipped up my suitcase, not forgetting to grab my boarding pass and passport, as well as my hand luggage on the way out the house. When I got to the airport, I checked in and did all the necessary airport shit before sitting in the lounge area waiting for the gate to be announced.


I took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the address that Emil had given me. I waited for a minute until the door opened to reveal a blonde male with hair like a pineapple. He looked me up and down for a bit until something clicked in his head and his eyes lit up. He turned around and went to shout, "Norge!-" I slapped a hand across his mouth, "Shh. I want to surprise him."

He nodded and let me inside before pointing to a door, "He'll be in there." I nodded and walked towards the room that I guessed was Matthias, as Lukas had described him to me, had pointed to. I knocked on the door and received a 'Come in' in response. I opened the door to see Lukas, sitting at a desk, looking at something on his laptop. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my head on his. I leaned down to his ear, "Hello." He turned around and I noticed his eyes widened, "(Y/n)?! What are you doing here?! I thought you lived in England," he asked, a smile on his face (*Gasp* Norway showed emotion)

I nodded, "I do.... But I wanted to surprise you on your birthday. Happy birthday, Lukas." He smiled at me and stood up, "Weel, now you're here, I can do something I've wanted to do ever since I first saw you." He walked up to me and took my cheek in his hand, before playing the other on my hip and leaning in to kiss me. I reacted by wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back, letting my eyes close in the process to savour the moment.

"I love you, Lukas. Happy birthday."

I love you too, (Y/n). This is the best birthday present ever."

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