You Don't Need to be Embarrassed - Austria

40 1 0

Prompt: None

Requested?: No

Type of oneshot: Fluff?

AU?: None (set in modern times, but all are still countries)

Reader's Relations: Veneziano and Romano's lil sister (You represent Sicily)

Warnings?: Prussia being a jerk (does that count as a warning?)

Other notes: I'm finally back... Sorry I haven't written for this book in ages, I had no ideas. Also the ending of this is kido of based on something that happens to me....

Ships included: None


I sat quietly at the table in the meeting room, doodling on a random scrap of paper I'd found, after making sure it wasn't anyone's notes, as I hummed to myself, Ludwig trying to get everyone to be quiet, as the normal was happening; Feli ranting about pasta to no one in particular, Francis and Arthur arguing, Alfred was going on about being the hero... etc. I just sat in my seat, blocking everyone out as I softly started singing to myself, thinking no one could hear me over all the noise, "I have died every day waiting for you, darling don-" (Pretend this is in Italian) I was cut off when Gilbert, being the annoying Figlio di puttana (son of a bitch) he was, decided to steal the paper from me as I reached into my bag to pull out my rubber, having made a spelling error.

"Kesesesese, vat do ve have here? It looks like ze fräulein has a crush on somevon!"

"Gilbert! Give that-a back! It's-a mine!"


As he stared at it longer, I felt my face turn red and when Gilbert turned to me again, a smirk on his face, I stood up and ran out of the room, not wanting literally the whole world to see my embarrassed state. I eventually found a corner where I curled up, bringing my knees to my chest as I started to cry, not caring if anyone else saw me. That was until I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a voice that made me freeze up, "(Y/n)? Are jou alright?"

I shrugged Roderich's hand on my shoulder and nodded, "Totally fine. Not that it matters. I-a know for a fact that-a Gilbert probably showed you that-a drawing and-" I was cut off when I heard him chuckling and my face turned redder than it already was and I groaned, feeling more tears come to my eyes, "Oh great. Now you're laughing at-a me. Please-a just leave me alone, Roderich."

"Vy should I do zat? I'm not laughing at jou, (Y/n). If jou look at me, I'll prove it."

I sighed, not wanting to look at him with my, now, red and puffy eyes from crying, but wiped them, before looking up at the Austrian. Before I could say anything, he'd taken my cheek in his hand, pulled me closer to him, and kissed me. My eyes went wide and the curl on the side of my head turned into a relative heart shape at the action. I blinked a few times, but before I had a chance to respond, Roderich pulled away, removing his hand from my cheek. I just sat there, a dazed look on my face as I lifted my hand to my lips, still not believing what just happened, "You just kissed me-a."

"Jou should really thank Gilbert, (Y/n) because him showing everyvon zat drawing jou did, which vas amazing by ze vay, just got you a boyfriend."

"Y-you-a want to be my-a boyfriend?" I asked, looking him in the eyes and removing the hand that was in front of my mouth. It was now Roderich's turn to go bright red, "J-Ja. I mean I know jou like me, the picture said it all, vell, after having to get jour brozers to translate ze Italian, und I did just kiss jou, is zat proof enough for jou?"

"If this had-a been someone else, I-a would have thought they were just-a doing it because they-a felt pity for-a me, but because it's-a you, and I know you'd-a never do that-a, I know you're-a telling the-a truth," I replied, feeling my eyelids start to droop, "Can you-a carry me back to the-a meeting room? I-a don't know why but I always get really sleepy when I've-a been crying."

"Ja, I can do zat."

I smiled and stood up, allowing Roderich to do the same before I jumped up on his back, taking him by surprise, before placing my head on his shoulder, and falling asleep.

—-----------------------END OF ONESHOT

This legit happens to me when I've been crying. Depending on how long for, I'll get sleepy and sometimes actually fall asleep.

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