Run In - England

55 3 5

Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Song Used (If Songfic): None

Reader's Relations: None

AU?: Modern AU - so as if they're just humans rather than countries - make sense?

Warnings: Mentions of abuse - please do not read if it's a trigger

Other notes: And, I'm back! But please please give me requests, just comment on here with them if you have one, cause I'll forget to check the form....


"(Y/n)!!! GET BACK HERE!" I felt my legs starting to slow down but I kept going, running from my abusive boyfriend. That was until I bumped into someone, falling back on the ground.

"Excuse me, Love. I'm so sorry." I then saw a hand in front of my face and I looked up to see a male with shaggy blond hair and green eyes. At that moment I completely forgot about the fact that my 'boyfriend' was chasing me and just stared into his eyes.

"Love? You okay?" I snapped from my daze and took his outstretched hand, allowing him to pull me up. I smiled, "Thank you, and I'm sorry for bumping into you."

"It's fine, Love. I shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the pavement. I can tell there's something on your mind, that's probably why you weren't paying attention to where you were running. I'm Arthur by the way."

I nodded," I'm (Y/n), and thank you. Yes, there is. Just the daily 'running away from my abusive boyfriend because I was just talking to another one of my friends who just happens to be male'."

"(Y/N)!!!!!" My eyes widened and I gulped quickly starting to run off, until Arthur grabbed my wrist, "Wait, Love. I can help you get out of this. I know we just met, but trust me. It's not right that he'd doing that to you." I smiled and turned around, hugging him.

Soon (B/n) caught up and immediately spotted me with Arthur, "You little bitch! I told you not to hang around with anyone! Especially boys! You're mine!" He came closer but before he could get to me, Arthur stood protectively in front of me, "No."

"Who are you? And what right do you have to tell me what to do? That's my girlfriend!"

"If she's your girlfriend you should be honoured to have her. She doesn't deserve you abusing her daily, and all those bruises and scars you've given her, well they just ruin the gorgeous face that she has. You should think yourself lucky to have her!" I felt my face go slightly pink and I smiled as Arthur continued, "Now I suggest that you back off from (Y/n) before I do worse to you." (B/n)'s eyes widened and he gulped, running off. Arthur let out a breath and turned to me, "You alright, Love?" I nodded and hugged him, "Than-" However, I collapsed before I could fining my sentence, falling into him.


When I awoke I was lying on a bed that I didn't recognise, with a glass of water sitting on the nightstand where I also noticed a photo of Arthur and a girl with long brown hair, probably going down to about her waist. Just as I was about to pick up the glass, the door opened and in walked the same girl in the photo, "I see you've awoken, Love. Drink up that water and I'll find you some other clothes, those are looking a bit worse for wear." I smiled and nodded taking the glass and drinking it, while she walked over to the chest of drawers, looking through. Once I'd finished the water, I placed the glass back on the nightstand.

"Ahh! Here we are," she exclaimed turning around, a reddish-pink dress in her hands, similar to the one she was wearing, "Here. This one's a bit small for me now, especially with this," she paused an pointed to her stomach, "Seriously, whenever talked me into having kids, will be dead, but it should be able to fit you." I smiled as she laid it down on the bed, smiling at me, "I'm Scarlett by the way. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to call." She turned to leave but before she did, "Scarlett?"

"Yeah?" she replied, turning back to me, "What do you need?"

"Thank you."

"No problem, Love. Anything else?"

"I have one more question, is there some form of relationship between you and Arthur?" I noticed her trying to contain her laughter, but failing, ending up with her rolling on the floor, "I'm sorry Love. No, there's not. I'm married actually, and Arthur's... well, I guess you call call him my 'guardian', for lack of better word, it's complicated, and I don't really feel comfortable sharing."

"Oh. That's okay. I understand privacy, I was just wondering."

"Cause you've got a crush on him?"

My eyes widened, "W-what?! What makes you think that?"

"Trust me, I know when people are in love, but don't worry I won't tell him until you're ready to. "



"Yes, Love?"

"I have a question."

"Of course, Love. What is it?" he asked sitting down on the sofa next to me. I took a deep breath, "Well, technically I have two, firstly; what's with the whole, 'Love' thing?" His face turned slightly pink and he turned away from me, trying to cover it, causing me to giggle, "W-well, it's a form of expression for when you care deeply about someone." Now it was my turn to have a blush on my face, "S-so you care deeply for me?" he nodded, still refusing to look at me, "Your second question?"

"If you don't mind my asking, what's the deal with Scarlett? She told me you were her guardian, but didn't want to tell me why."

"Oh, well. It's not really my place to tell you, Love. But, I'm sure Scarlett will tell you when she feels com-"

"You can tell her, Arthur. She's going to find out eventually, may as well get it over with, but I'm going out to see Feli and Lovi! Bye!" We heard Scarlett's voice from the hallway before the sound of the front door closing, and Arthur turned to me, "Well, in that case. Scarlett had a bit of a rough childhood. Her mother died giving birth to her and her father died a few years later due to the heartbreak of losing his wife. So, she grew up living with her cousins, Feliciano and Lovino. However, when she was about five, that frog came and stole her away from her life, forcing her into a life of misery and work for the next two years. It was then that she started fighting back and with my help, along with Alfred, Matthew, Feliciano and Lovino, Francis gave up, letting her go, however, instead of returning to live with her cousins, she wanted to come and live with me. This was just after the time when Alfred had left, and I guess Scarlett could see just how upset I was and wanted to help me feel better, and so, she's been her ever since." I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips, "Poor girl."

"I know, but she's strong. After the frog let her go, she became an emotionless wall, the only two people she warmed up to being me and Matthew, but since she and Matthew started dating, and eventually when they got married, Matthew showed her it was okay to show emotions, and she started becoming more comfortable around people. I guess you could say she's the personification of the saying 'small but mighty'."

"Wow, so, leading back to my first question... if you're saying that calling someone 'Love' shows a deep care for them, then why does Scarlett call me that?"

He blinked a bit before chuckling and shaking his head, "If I know Scarlett, and I do. It's her way of trying to get us to confess. She's grown up with no mother, or mother figure in her life, the closest being I guess Elizabetha, but not really, and Scarlett sees me as a father figure. Over this past year, she's been saying that she sees you as a mother in her life." I felt my face turn red and took a minute to let it sink in, "So you're saying that Scarlett believes she knows that we both like each other romantically, and wants us to confess?" He nodded and I giggled, "Well, do you feel that way towards me?" He nodded again and I smiled placing a hand on his thigh, leaning up and kissing him, "Good, cause I feel the same."

----------------END OF ONESHOT

And that is where I'm going to leave it.... I also might have an idea for Romano... but we'll see.

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