Birthday Special - Hungary

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Sorry, this wasn't out yesterday... I kinda forgot about it.... And again thanks to @bestcompanionkumu for giving me the idea (: (I added a little bit to your idea btw, Friend)


"(Y/n), zere's zomething I vant jou to know."

"Hm? What do you need, Roderich?" I asked, turning around to see him.

"I vould like jou to know zat Elizabeta has feelings for you. I know jou feel ze zame way, zo jou zhould tell her. It vould make her birthday a truly special von."

Wait... how do you know I have a crush on Lizzy?! Before I could ask Roderich that exact question, he'd disappeared...


"(Y/n)! Where are you! We're going to be late!"

I quickly grabbed the stuff I needed to go to the beach and dashed out of my house, locking it behind me to see Elizabeta waiting for me. She'd offered to drive me to the beach as I didn't have my own car. We soon arrived at the beach, the rest of the girls already being there, as we were late-ish.


We spent the day just playing on the beach. Whether it was volleyball, football or just swimming in the water, we had a lot of fun celebrating Elizabeta's birthday. It was all going perfectly smoothly until something unexpected happened. The twelve of us (consisting of me, Elizabeta, Lilli, Natalia, Yekaterina, Emma, Scarlett, Michelle, Cassandra, Camilla, Anna and Lucille) were playing volleyball with me, Emma, Scarlett, Elizabeta, Lucille and Cas on one team, meaning our opponents were Lilli, Natalia, Yekaterina, Michelle, Cami and Anna.

Part the way through the game, both me and Lizzy had gone for the ball at the same time. The ball managed still to go over the net, but what was unexpected was that we both ended up falling over. Me on top of her, "Lizzy, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen!"

"It's okay, (Y/n). I know it was an accident, we both just-" I zoned out, realising that there was a blush on her face, "Lizzy, are you blushing?"

"W-Well, why wouldn't I? I have my crush sitting on top of me, looking like she's straddling me! Of course I'm going to blush!" It took a minute for her words to sink in, before my face lit up bright red, "Y-you have a crush on me?!" I asked, hopping up off of her, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. I stuck a hand out to help her up, but instead, she pulled me down on top of her again, "Yes, I-I do. I love you, (Y/n)." I smiled widely, "Does this mean I can kiss you without you hating me forever?"

She giggled, "Of course." This increased my smile and I leaned down, kissing her. However, there was soon the snap of a camera. I shot up off of Lizzy to see Scarlett smirking and holding a camera. That little- My thoughts were cut off when she spoke, "-And sent!" Elizabeta shot up too and walked to her, "To who?"

"Just a certain someone. You two don't need to know."

I then remembered what I had been talking to Roderich about the day before, "Scarlett, delete that picture right now, or else."

"Or what? You'll come and get me? (Y/n), I could beat you in a fight any day of the week. Remember, I kicked Francypants' ass with a sixteen centimeter height difference between us, you should be no problem," she smirked.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, "(Y/n), it's better not to pick a fight with her. Trust me, she'll kick your butt. Scarlett's literally the embodiment of the saying 'small but mighty'."

"You're right, Lizzy," I replied, turning around and pecking her cheek, "Happy birthday, I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

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