Birthday Special - Belgium

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Happy birthday Belgium! Also I'll be using Emma for Belgium's name. (Also, one of the peeps on my Discord Server thought of this idea for me, so thanks to them for saving me with Belgium's birthday oneshot (as I'm writing this, it's 8:40pm)) also in this your a photographer

Also, I'll be using Tim for Netherlands' name. If this is wrong, please tell me for future reference.

I smiled to myself as I texted everyone I knew. It was Emma's birthday in 2 days and I had thought of the perfect gift for her. Even though I was a photographer myself, I still texted all our friends saying roughly the same thing: "Hey, (Country's Human Name). So, Emma birthday is coming up. You got any pictures of her? If so can you send them to me please?"

So, I was soon bombarded with messages from our friends, some being pictures of me and Emma that other nations had taken, one of these specifically being the first picture of us after we started dating, as well as pictures of Emma and the rest of the Tomato Gang or her and her brothers. Once my phone and ceased it's constant pinging, I loaded all the photos onto my laptop from my phone and printed them out. Once that was done, I organised them into 3 categories: Emma on her own, me and her together and the final category being group photos.

I hid the photos in my desk drawer which I always kept locked and then went out to the shops. On a mission. A mission to find a photo album. My idea was to surprise her at the party I was planning, with Alfred's help, him being the king of parties, with all the photos in an album so she'd never forget any of the memories.

I soon arrived at (Shop that would sell a photo album) and found one I knew Emma would like. I picked it up and walked to the counter, paying for it. After giving the cashier the money, I left the shop and started the walk back home. Thankfully I knew Emma wouldn't be there cause she said that she would be hanging out with Tim and Louis today. I unlocked the house before entering and closing the door behind me. I took my shoes off and walked up to our room. Unlocking my desk I took out the printed photos and got to work putting all the photos into the album in as much as possible, chronological order.


I woke up and wrapped my arms around Emma, "Happy birthday, my special girl." She turned over and smiled at me, "Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Now it's time to get up! Everyone will be here soon to celebrate." I hopped out of bed and dashed downstairs, making her breakfast. Emma appeared soon after and sat down.

"And special birthday pancakes for the birthday girl!" I squealed slightly, placing the plate in front of her before getting the maple syrup, that Matthew had given me, out of the cupboard as well as the strawberries from the fridge. I walked back to the kitchen table where Emma was sitting and placed them down.


Emma's birthday party was now in full swing and it was time for her to open her presents. I decided that she'd get mine last because it was going to be something special. Everyone else agreed to it and gave Emma their presents first. After she'd opened the presents from everyone else, I gave her mine, "Here's my gift for you. It's probably nothing compared to everything else you've got, but it took me a long time."

She smiled at me before turning back to the wrapped photo album. She unwrapped it and I bit my lip hoping she's like it. I relaxed when I saw the pure joy on her face, "(Y/n), is this?"

"Yeah, it's a photo album of all the photos we've taken together as well as some of the group photos and the ones I've taken of you for practice."

"It's beautiful. I love it. Thank you." She smiled and me before leaning in and pecking my cheek, "Thank you so much."

"I'm glad you like it."

"I love it, but you know the one thing I love more than it?" She asked looking me in the eyes. I looked at her blankly, "What?"

"You," she replied, leaning in and kissing me on the lips. I smiled, "Well I guess this'll make my next question easier," I paused and looking towards Tim and Louis, receiving nods from both of them. I turned back to Emma and took a deep breath, "Emma, I love you so much. So much more than you know and I want to prove it by asking you, will you make me the happiest nation alive and marry me?" I asked getting down on one knee in front of her and pulling the ring I'd bought out from my pocket.

"Of course I will, (Y/n)!"

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