A Simple Misunderstanding.... (Italy Veneziano x Reader)

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Finally a normal oneshot.... also, this includes Malta in her cute little 4 yr old glory cause I can (if you know why she's here, concerning her backstory points, then you get cookies.)... There may also be some spelling mistakes in this due to my typing it on my iPad...

I smiled to myself, walking down the street to one of my best friends' house. I was finally going to tell him that I loved him. I knew I'd be potentially putting our friendship on the line because I didn't know if he felt the same way. You can do this, (Y/n). Just knock on the door and tell Feli how you feel. I took a deep breath and knocked on their door as I'd now arrived at the Italian's house.

The door was soon opened but I was surprised to see neither Feli nor Lovi behind it. I was confused how'd the door open then?!

"Um hello! I'm down here!"

I looked down to see a small girl, no older that 4 or 5 there, a pout on her face. Naturally I was comfused. Who is this?! (For the sake of the story, you have no idea who she is, cause Iggy never brought her to a world meeting until she was physically 10)

"I'm Scarlett, if you're wondering. Why the bloody hell are you here if you don't mind my asking?"

Before I had a chance to react, Feli came out and picked her up, "Scarlett, Bella, what did we-a say about being rude to-a visitors? Especially (Y/n)."

"I'm-a sorry, (Y/n). I didn't mean to-a sound rude. I'm just tired."

"It's okay, Scarlett," I replied. She smiled and wriggled out of Feli's grip, running off, "Uncle Lovi! Can I have a tomato!?"

Wait, UNCLE?! Does that mean.... Oh well... I guess I'll never have a chance with him then if Feli's already had a child with someone. Even then, wouldn't he have told me? I am his best friend... oh well.

"You-a okay, Bella?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Feli. If you don't mind my asking, who's Scarlett's mother?" He froze up slightly before leading me to the sofa, where we both sat down, "Well, Bella you-a see, I-a don't actually know... She kinda just-a turned up on our doorstep a year ago with nothing but the clothes she was wearing and tear stained eyes."

"Did you ask what happened?"

He shook his head, "No-a. We-a didn't want her to have to relive it again." So it was like a one night stand kind of thing then? Like you got dunk somehow and it lead to that....? Good to know.

"-I-a don't know why though. I-a mean, Arthur is a caring person deep down, so-a what could have happened to-a make Scarlett so-a upset?"

Wait... Arthur?! What has he got to do with any of this?!

"You're confused, aren't you-a, Bella?" I nodded, "Yeah, what has Arthur got to do with any of this?" His face turned to a surprised look, "Arthur's her father."

"WHAT!? Then what's with the whole 'Uncle Lovi' thing if she's not yours?"

"You-a see, Bella, when she decided to explain why she had turned up on our doorstep and explained what had happened, she-a asked if she-a could call us both 'Uncle'."


"Uncle Feli, can we have pasta for lunch?"

Hetalia x Reader Oneshots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now