Birthday Special - Estonia

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Sorry, this is so short...


"Eduard! Happy birthday!"

"Aitäh, (Y/n)."

Before he could say anything else, I pulled the Estonian into a kiss, an extra special kiss for his birthday. I smiled and broke off, "You're coming with me! We're spending the whole day doing what you want to do for your birthday!"


The first thing we did was take a walk around the local park. It was good to get some fresh air as the previous day had a World Meeting and it took the whole day. Mainly due to everyone constantly arguing, but, I was glad that I could spend this day with Eduard. I'd been dating the Estonian for a few years and I wouldn't change it for the world. Once we'd walked around the park for a bit, I realised that it was already dark, Time for food. I smiled and grabbed Eduard's hand, dragging him out of the park and towards the restaurant where's I'd booked a reservation for us.


I smiled and we ordered our food. While we were waiting, we talked for a bit, "So, Eduard. How's your birthday going?"

"Perfect, always perfect with you, (Y/n). You mean the world to me and anything that you do for me is perfect. Don't ever think anything else. I love you so much."

"I love you too Eduard. That's why I did this for you."

Throughout the night, I noticed Eduard had been fiddling with something in his pocket. However, I just put it to the back of my mind. It was when we were on our way home, the Eduard spoke up, "(Y/n), thank you so much for everything you've done for me today, however, there is one more thing you can do that will make this the best birthday ever. Marry me?" He asked, getting down on one knee in front of me, pulling a ring from his pocket. I gasped and smiled widely, "Yes!" I squeaked out eventually and pounced on him, kissing him. He broke off and stood up, placing the ring on my finger, "Best birthday ever.

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