You Are Loved - Malta/France

42 1 0

Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Angst/Fluff

Song Used (If Songfic): None

Reader's Relations: Malta's sister - therefore this is platonic

AU?: Modern

Warnings: Depression and self-harm, mentions of attempted suicide

Other notes: Don't ask how I thought of this, cause even I don't know how this came to me. Also there's a small bit of France x reader.


"Thank you for this lovely evening, Francis, but I should really get going. You know Scarlett will personally murder us if she finds out we're dating."

"I know, Cherie. I will bid you adieu," he replied. I giggled and leaned up pressing a kiss to his lips, "I love you."

"Je t'aime aussie, ma amour." I smiled and left his house, walking back to the house I shared with Scarlett and Matthew. Once my last boyfriend had broken up with me, the two of them were kind enough to let me come and live with them. However, when I arrived, the door was locked, despite Scarlett's car being in the driveway. I just put it to the back of my mind, thinking that the two of them had gone out to something together in Matthew's car, and pulled out my key from my bag putting it in the door and entering the house. As I thought, Matthew's shoes were gone, his slippers sitting by the door, but what confused me, was that Scarlett's were still there. I took my shoes off and walked into the living room to see Kuma, Matthew's polar bear sitting on his blanket on the sofa. Upon noticing me, he hoped up and walked over to me, "(Y/n). I was told to tell you to get to the hospital as soon as you returned." I blinked and patted him on the head, "Why's that Kuma?"

"I wasn't told that part."

I rolled my eyes and nodded, "Okay. I'll go now."


When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Arthur pacing around muttering to himself. I walked up and tapped him on the shoulder, alerting him to my presence. He took one look at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside the hospital, "Thank goodness you're here, (Y/n)."

"What is it, Arthur?"

The only thing he said in response was, "Scarlett." and I blinked, stopping in my tracks, causing him to stop as well, "What happened to her? Tell me now. She's my sister, I have a right to know." Arthur just sighed and continued to drag me down the hospital halls until he stopped outside a door, where we heard talking from inside, "Maple! Please never do this again! You don't know how much I've been-" Arthur knocked on the door interrupting the Canadian in his rant. After being allowed entrance, Arthur opened the door and the two of us walked in. The minute she noticed me, Scarlett growled, "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I blinked out of confusion, but before I could say anything Arthur had spoken, "Love, firstly, that's not proper language-"

"Oh shut up, you're not my dad! I've just tried to fucking kill myself and it's all her bloody fault so I have a right to be fucking angry okay?!"

Arthur sighed, "Okay, Love. I understand, but follow up question, why are you mad at (Y/n). She's your sister."

"I know she's my fucking sister by she's been going behind my fucking back! Antonio told me that you've been dating Francypants for the past two years (Y/n)!" Matthew placed a hand on her shoulder, "Maple, please calm down you don't want to overdo it. You lost a lot of blood."

Scarlett gulped, "Yeah, you're right, Mattie. I'm sorry (Y/n). I guess I can't control who you fall in love with." I smiled, "I understand your anger Scarlett. I know how much you hate Francis, and I'm sorry for not just telling you earlier."

"Come here, (Y/n)," Scarlett spoke, reaching a hand out to me. I smiled and walked over, sitting down on the side of her bed. She returned the smile and grabbed me pulling me down on top of her, giving me a hug. When she let me go, I sat back up and bit my lip wanting, but also not wanting to.

"You want to know why I did this, don't you, (Y/n)?"

"H-how did you know?"

Scarlett just sighed, but before she could explain, Arthur had spoken, "Scarlett, Love, if you don't want to repeat it again, I'll tell her." Scarlett smiled up at him, "Thank you." I stood up and followed Arthur out of the room, where he explained what happened. When we went back in, I walked up to to Scarlett's bedside and hugged her, "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that Scarlett, and I'm so sorry for everything. You're my sister, I should have looked after you much better, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry!" She leaned up and wiped the tears that were starting to fall down my cheeks, "Hey, (Y/n). It's not your fault that I had these thoughts in my head. Please don't blame yourself for this, okay?" I smiled, "Okay, thank you."

-----------------------MALTA'S POV

"Francypants, I need to talk to you."

"O-of course, Cherie, what do you need?" I dragged him away from Gilbert and Antonio, to a corner of the room, "If you want to marry (Y/n). I give you my full permission." He just blinked at me and I continued, "Say something or I'll retract that statement."

"T-thank you, Cherie. I promise I won't hurt her in anyway."

"Good Francypants, you're learning. Now I gotta bounce, goodbye!" I replied, patting him on the head before walking off.

------------------YOUR POV

"Amour, I'm going to ask you a question. A question I never thought I'd ask, not because I doubt my love for you or anything, but because thought I'd never be allowed to a-"

I giggled, interrupting him, "Francis, just ask me the damn question."

"(Y/n), amour, will you marry me?" he asked, getting down on one knee in front of me. I blinked, feeling tears coming to my eyes as I nodded, "YES!"

-------------------END OF ONESHOT

And, I'm going to leave this here.....ehehe

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