Birthday Special - England

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Happy birthday to Iggy! Also thanks to bestcompanionkumu  for giving me the idea for this.


"Come on, Artie! I'm taking you out to the art gallery!"

"Morning, Love. What time is it?"

"Late enough that you should be up! Come on!" I persisted. I had wanted to get Arthur out the house as it was his birthday, our friends and I were planning a surprise party for him, "Artie, if you don't get out of bed I'll throw your scones away."

This got him up, "Love please don't they're perfectly fine to be eaten!"

"Up and dressed then, I'll be waiting for you downstairs." I pecked him on the cheek before walking downstairs. I took my phone out my pocket and texted Alfred, 'Hey, Alfie, Arthur's awake now. We'll be leaving soon. I'll leave the key under the door mat. The house is all yours.'

I soon got a reply from the American, 'Great, Dudette! We're waiting round the corner. I'll text you when we're done.'

'Thanks Alfie!'

Just as I had put my phone away, Arthur appeared, "Hello, Love."

"Arthur," I replied grabbing his hand and dragging him out the house, "We've got to get going."


I soon saw the Dudette and Iggy leaving and got everyone's attention, "We're good to go, Dudes." We walked around the corner and approached their house. Just as the Dudette had said, she left the key under the door mat. I picked it up and unlocked the door. We walked into their house and started decorating.


"And we're here!" I squeaked, dragging Arthur inside the art gallery. We spent the whole day looking at art, much to both mine and Arthur's enjoyment. Eventually, I got a text from Alfred, 'Heya, Dudette! We've finished setting up.'

I smiled and grabbed Arthur's hand, "Time to go home!" I dragged him out the gallery.


We soon arrived back home and I opened the door, however, I left the lights off. 3. 2. 1..

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouted popping out from various places as I turned the lights on. Arthur's face was priceless. He turned to me, "Love did you know about this?" Before I had a chance to reply, Alfred popped up, "Yeah of course she did, Iggy. She planned all this."

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck, "Heh, happy birthday?" He smiled at me, "Thank you, Love," he spoke, hugging me. Well, hugging was an understatement, it felt like he was squashing me. I giggled and returned the hug, "You like your surprise then?"

He nodded, "I'd love anything that comes from you, Love."

Well, that'll make it easier then.

"Bella?" I turned to Feli, "Yes?"

"When are we-a having cake? I'm-a hungry and Germany didn't give me any pasta after-a training."

I smiled, "Thanks for reminding me, Feli." I walked into the kitchen and took the cake out of the cupboard (cause the fridge wouldn't have been good for the surprise inside.) before walking back into the living room, a knife in my other hand. I placed the cake (on the plate it was on) on the coffee table and handed Arthur the knife, "Come on."

He took the knife and walked over to the coffee table, cutting the cake, with a bit of difficulty due to the hard thing inside it.

"Love, what is in this cake?"

"Just a surprise."

He managed to cut it without damaging what was inside, thankfully and I got some smaller plates for everyone. He put the slice he'd cut onto one of the plates and the stick shaped thing that was hidden inside the cake. Arthur put the knife down and turned to me, picking the stick up, "Love, is this for real?"

"Artie, where else would I have got a positive pregnancy test from? Of course it's real, Artie. You're going to be a father."

ArthurKirkland.exe has stopped working

He fainted....

Waking up a few minutes later, he got it into his head, "That's great, Love!"

"Happy birthday, Artie!"


Again thanks to bestcompanionkumu for giving me the idea.

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