Chapter 25: The phone call

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Chapter 25

Katniss P.O.V.

Three months is a long time. Matty is already five months old. He's developing very quickly. He has actually started teething already. He was crying a lot last week, I couldn't get him to calm down, so I called Felicia, she said she'd go with me to the doctor. We thought he could be sick or something. Turned out that he was actually teething. I was so shocked. I mean he's five months. But apparently some baby's develop quickly, the doctor said so.

If you look in Matty's mouth you can see a little, little white stops, and if you feel with your finger you can feel it just a little. After we came from the hospital we went to buy Matty's first teething ring. He's always chewing on it.

I just so wish Peeta could come home. He'll be so sad if he misses anything important in Matty's development, such as he's first steps. Luckily he hasn't had he's first steps yet, he's only five months, but the doctor said to expect it within the month because he developed quickly.

I hope Peeta comes home before Matty starts walking. He'll be so devastated.

My heart hurts so much thinking of Peeta.


I turn around to see Riley walking slowly up to me. Her hands together.

Riley has been pretty down ever since Peeta left. Fisher and Becca are the only once who can get her to laugh at least a little. But I understand her, she misses her father. Becca misses Peeta so very much too, but Riley is taking it harder. Becca has always been a bit more independent than Riley, so maybe that's why.

"Yeah baby?" I ask.

"Nothing", she says sitting down in the couch.

I sit down beside her.

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't know", she says frowning with a worried voice.

Something is obviously bothering her. I can see it. Her big blue eyes are glistening with fear and worry. Her face is pale and she's shaking her legs nervously.

"Riley, what's going on?" I ask my daughter.

"I don't know mommy", she says. "I have this feeling..."

"Feeling?" I ask.

"That daddy isn't okay, he's in pain", she says and I raise my eyebrows. "I think daddy is in pain, he's hurt, really, really hurt".

The thing that scares me is that Riley sounds so sure. Not a even a slight of doubt in her voice.

"Riley what are you talking about baby?" I ask feeling nervous as I start shaking my right leg.

"I told you mommy, I have this feeling that daddy is in a lot of pain, a lot, a lot of pain", she says her eyes starting to fill with tears.

The door opens and Annie walks in with Angie in her arms and Fisher walking closely behind her.

We don't live together when the boys are gone now. There are too many children now.

"Riley!" Fisher smiles so wide peeking out from behind Annie.

"Hey Fisher", she says and walks up to him.

Fisher gives Riley a big hug and she laughs as her feet leave the floor a little.

Annie lays down Angie beside the sleeping Matty in the baby bed we keep in the living room. She sits down beside me.

"Something wrong?" She asks.

"I don't know", I admit.

"Something happened?" Annie asks frowning.

"No it's just, Riley kind of freaked me out", I say and tell her what Riley said. "What do you think?"

"I don't know, sounds like Riley really misses her daddy", Annie says sadly.

I sigh and nod.

"Her mommy misses her daddy too", I say.

Annie puts her arms around me.

"They'll come home soon", Annie says. "Everyday gets harder, Fisher has started to ask when Finnick is coming home".

"This is so hard", I sigh.

"Yeah it really is", Annie says.

We sit quiet for a while. We jump as the home phone starts calling.

"Jeez", Annie says.

I giggle as I stand up to answer the phone.

"Katniss Mellark speaking", I say.

"Mrs Mellark?" A deep voice asks.

"Yes this is she", I say.

"We have a patient named Peeta Mellark, is that your husband?"

"Patient?" I ask. "Patient where?!"

I'm starting to panicked.

"At the Panam hospital", the voice says. "It's better if you come in..."

I hang up the phone before the person has time to finish his sentence.

I turn to look at Annie.

"What's wrong?"

"Peeta... He's at the hospital here in Panem", I say.

"So why are we still here?!" She asks.

"I don't know call the others!" I say before I call after the kids. "Becca! Riley! Fisher!"

The three of them comes walking down the stairs. Annie calls the others and I tell Becca, Riley and Fisher to put their shoes on and go wait in the car. Before Peeta left we got a new car. A car with nine seats.

When Annie is done calling we take Matty and Angie before running out to the car.

I turn on the engine and speed the way to the hospital.

Please Peeta be okay. Be okay.

One question is haunting me though. How did Riley know that something had happened to Peeta?


✏️877 words✏️

Hey guys,

Okay so how did Riley know that Peeta was hurt? Is she a magical girl or does she just have a strong bond to her daddy?

Pleas vote and comment.

It's only three chapters left in this book.

-Josephine xx

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