Chapter 9: What are we gonna do?

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Chapter 9

Katniss P.O.V.

Gale and Madge are trying to comfort everyone. They're trying to comfort me, Annie, Clove and Glimmer, they're also trying to comfort Peeta's brothers and parents. But while they are, I can see that they are keeping themselves from crying. Peeta is Gale's best friend, and he has become good friends with Finnick, Cato and Marvel as well, and Madge has known Peeta for as long as I have, and she likes Finnick and the others so much as well.

"Why is mommy crying?" Becca asks Madge.

"Because she's sad honey", Madge tells her.

"Why?" Riley says.

I haven't had the heart to tell the girls what happened. I'm not so sure that they would understand, but if they did, what would they say? Riley was already devastated when Peeta left, how am I suppose to tell her that he's dead?

"Because she misses your father", Madge says.

Good Madge, thank you!

I don't know how much more I can take though. It feel like I will have to start planning a funeral soon, but I will never be able to bring myself to do that. I mean how can I? I've lost the love of my life, the father to my children and my baby in my stomach.

I still haven't told anyone that I'm pregnant. I mean when would be a good time? Now? Now when the boys are missing and everyone are devastated, including me.

I feel like I need to tell them, but I don't know how. I'm trying to figure it out.

"Mommy don't cry, daddy will be home soon", Becca says and pat my hand.

I look at her and smile.

"Yeah", I say, even though I'm lying to her.

Becca and Riley are too small, they simply are to small to get this kind of information. I can't tell them.

"Madge..." I say and she looks at me.

"Huh?" She says.

"I need to talk to you and the girls", I say.

It's time for the kids to sleep anyways. We tuck them into their beds.

When they've fallen asleep, we all walk down to living room.

"I can't believe Peeta will never walk through that door again", I say looking at the front door.

Annie puts her hand onto my hand.

"What did you want to tell say?" Madge asks as she sits down in the other armchair, and puts her hand on her big belly.

Clove is on my otherwise and take my other hand.

"I haven't told you two something", I start, looking at Madge and Annie. "I've known this since the boys had to go, I was going to tell but then everything just got in the way".

"What is it?" Annie asks.

"I'm pregnant", I say.

They look at me with sad eyes.

"I am too", it comes from Annie.


I look at her.

How did we get ourselves into this? How did we fall in love with two soldiers? And now Annie is left with a son and is pregnant, I'm left with the twins and I'm pregnant, and both without the love of our lives and the fathers to our babies.

Glimmer is pregnant as well of course, so she's gonna be left with one kid, but that's still so hard.

Clove has Nathaniel, and no Cato, what are we all gonna so?

Prim is currently with Rory and Rue, they're trying to comfort her. Peeta has meant a whole lot to Prim. He has been both like a father, brother and friend to her. He has taken care of her when she's been sad, angry or sick. He has taught her a lot of things. Of course she's sad. Of course she's not okay.

"I still don't know how to tell Fisher about Finnick though", Annie says.

Yeah Fisher is six and understands a whole lot more then the twins and Nathaniel. He has already figured out that something is wrong, but he don't know what.

He's out with Gale for the time being, but they will be back soon.

"I don't know if telling Fisher now is the best idea, I mean he's still little after all", I say.

Annie sighs and nods.

"Yeah", she agrees. "It's only... He knows that something is up".

"Mr and mrs Mellark says it's not the best thing", Madge says. "They say that Rye don't know if he should tell Summer, she's eight so she's the oldest, but she's still so little".

Yeah this isn't easy for anyone. Everyone are so sad. The bakery is closed, because no one cares enough to work right now.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask looking at my girls. "What are we gonna do?"

They all look at me. They don't know. I don't know. No one knows.

We're just gonna have to wait to find out, what else can we do?


✏️816 words✏️

Hey guys, sorry for the crappy chapter :/

I'm just not feeling so very good, I'm not sick, I'm just in a very bad mood and kind of hates everything right now.

Anyway I hope the chapter was at least okay for you to read :)

Please vote and comment to tell me what you thought if the chapter :)

-Josephine xx

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