Chapter 14: One

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Chapter 14

Katniss P.O.V.

The girls are so excited to see Peeta. I'm trying to get them to understand that their daddy isn't feeling very well.

Fisher seems to understand that they should be gentle and not screaming.

Glimmer is holder her baby, hugging her gently all the way to the hospital. Marvel is going to see his baby for the first time now.

I'm trying to get myself together. I'm at the edge of breaking down. I'm going to see my husband. Of what have understood it, the guys as been very badly treated. Like abused and all of that. I just... What if he's not okay?

"It's going to be fine girls", Madge says. "They're home, that the important part, right?"

Prim doesn't know this yet. She was out with Rue when the man came and after that she is suppose to go home to Daniel and Julia.

As we enter the hospital I really have to try so hard, not to panic.

I feel how I'm shaking. I haven't seen Peeta in so long. The girls hasn't seen Peeta in so long. They're not nervous, they're happy. They don't know where he has been, only that he has been away for work. We ask for the rooms and as it turns out, they're all in the same room.

"It's going to be alright Kat", Gale says.

He's holding Noel in his arms. He is so protective of Noel, even more then Madge. We use to joke with him and call him, 'the perfect little mommy'. But it's cute.

"Yeah I mean what can happen now?" Madge asks. "They're home".

Well she has a point there. They are home. Peeta is home. They're at the hospital but they're home. That is what matters.

As we're in the elevator I stand on my knees and hug my two little girls. They're finally going to meet their daddy after so long.

Riley has her drawing of Peeta with her. She's so proud of it, and for good reasons. That drawing is actually really good. And she really captured Peeta. She's only five and she can already draw this good.

The elevator stops and the doors open. I feel like crying, but I won't. I can't come in to Peeta, see him for the first time in so long, while crying a river.

When we stand outside the room, I feel like throwing up.

"I can't do this..." I hear Glimmer whisper.

I turn around looking at her. She's leaving against the wall, with a pale face.

"You go in, I'll talk to her", Madge says.

We nod and I put my hand on the handle.

The big butterflies starts to fly around inside my stomach as I open up the door.

There they are. Two beds on the right side and two beds on the left side. Peeta and Finnick are in the two beds on the left side and Cato and Marvel on the right side.

Oh god. They're not looking good. They have been badly abused. Anyone can see that. My poor Peeta.

"Daddy!" Riley and Becca shouts as they forget about me and runs up to Peeta's bed.

They crawl up into Peeta's bed and carefully hug him. They remembered what I told them about being careful.

Peeta hugs them both and I see tears coming out of his eyes. He usually doesn't cry, but now... How can he not? He sees his girls for the first time in a very long time.

Annie and Fisher runs up to Finnick and he hugs them both tight, crying as well. And so does Cato when he hugs Clove and Nathaniel.

Marvel looks at the doorway.

"Where's Glimmer?"

"She's..." Gale starts but then she comes up beside me and walks up to Marvel with their daughter in her arms.

She gives her to Marvel who looks at the baby as if he can't believe it.

"Oh my god..." He whispers and tears fall down his eyes.

He looks at Glimmer.

"She's..." He starts but she interrupts him.

"She's ours", she says and kiss him.

Gale gives me push in the back and I stumble further into the room. I turn around and give him the evil eye.

When I turn around again I see Peeta and the girls looking at me.

"Momma come on!" Riley whines.

I walk up to them.

I look at Peeta. He looks at me. As I look into these eyes all my fears comes back to drown me.

Suddenly tears falls down my eyes. I take Peeta's hand in mine.

"Baby don't cry", he begs.

"I can't help it", I sob. "I thought I had lost you. When I read the letter I..." I get lost and can't continue.

He looks at me with painful eyes. It's clear that he thought the same thing.

"Look what I did daddy!" Riley shouts and shows Peeta her drawing.

He takes it and looks at it. His eyes grow big.

"Oh baby that's really great", he says.

"Really daddy?" She asks.

Yeah, I love my babies, but I just want a second alone with Peeta.

As if she reads my mind, Madge speaks up.

"Hey kids, what do you say about ice cream?"

I look at her and gives her a grateful look. She smiles.

Riley and Becca runs up to Madge and Gale and together they walk out of the room.

I sit down on the side chair beside Peeta's chair.

I still have Peeta's hand in mine. I close my eyes. I feel Peeta's other hand stroking my cheek.

Now I know it's real. He's really here.

I open my eyes and I see how Peeta looks at me and smiles sweetly.

"Peeta I..." I start but he interrupts me.

"Shhh", he says. "Come here". He pats on the bed beside him.

I don't hesitate one second to crawl up beside Peeta.

He wraps his arms around me and holds me close to him. I can't take it anymore. I start to cry for real. I turn my face into Peeta's shirt and just cry and cry.

I thought I lost my everything.

"It's okay Katniss, really, it is", Peeta says.

No it's not. It's far from okay. I almost lot my will to live when I thought Peeta was dead.

I can't tell him that now. I'll tell him sometime, just not now.

I stop crying and looks up at him.

"Peeta it's not okay", I say. "It's just not, we've all been total wrecks and ..."

I just don't know how to continue this. And I don't have to because Peeta puts his lips onto mine.

I haven't kissed Peeta for so long. Our lips move in sync, like one. That's Peeta and I. We're one. That's why I can't manage without Peeta.

I've got my other half back home.


✏️1146 words✏️

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-Josephine xx

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