Chapter 1: Fairytale

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Chapter 1

Katniss P.O.V.

These three past months has been both good, fun and emotional. The girls are just amazing. I love then so much. I never understood the bond a mother could have to her children, but now I do. I can't imagine a life without my girls.

Riley isn't completely healthy though. I mean she's healthy, although she has asthma, because she almost got strangled to death by Rebecca's umbilical cord. But that doesn't matter, she's healthy otherwise and Rebecca is healthy. I mother couldn't be more happy about that.

But we also got a not so happy news. As it turns out, Peeta and the boys can't just quit their job, unless unusual circumstances. So I'm always worried that Peeta will get a call back. I'm always worried, day in and day out. Although it's not very likely. Peeta says his commander won't take him away right now as we lost Johanna during their last mission, he says that he's gonna let them rest. But for how long?

Peeta is just absolutely amazing with the girls and they just adore him so much, and everyone adores them. Summer always wants to play with them, and she always tells us how she is their cousin, as if we didn't know.

And hey, guess what! Madge and Gale are married now! Yeah I know. They caught us by surprise as well. They eloped. And I got mad about that at first. I mean I wanted to see them take their vows. They saw me and Peeta take them, heck the while country saw us, but that's not the point. They're my best and oldest friends, I wanted to see the ceremony. But after a month I came around, I mean it's not about the ceremony, it's about the marriage, isn't it? I just hope they get a good marriage.

Right now I'm asleep and it's suspiciously quiet. Why isn't Prim talking loudly in the phone so everyone in house can hear her, like she always does? Why don't I hear baby screams? And why don't I have a husband beside me in my bed?

I turn my head to look over at Peeta's side. Nope, he's not there but I can tell that he didn't leave a long time ago.

I slip out of bed and put on my green lace robe over my green silk nigh shorts and crop top.

I walk out of mine and Peeta's bedroom and head into the nursery. No babies. I walk across the hall into Prim's bedroom, but no teenager in the bed sleeping or talking in phone.


Then I hear a faint laugh from Prim.

I walk down the stair in our pretty big house and the laugh and talk gets louder.

I head towards the kitchen where the sounds are coming from. When I get there I see Peeta by the stove, Prim sitting on one of the bar stools in front of him by the kitchen island and the babies in their baby seats on the kitchen island, with Prim tickling them and they laugh as loud as any happy baby.

The scent of pancakes hit my nose. I run up to Peeta and wrap my arms around him.

"Oh hey", he chuckles and lean his head onto mine as he turns the pancake.

"Hey", I say and kiss his cheek. He has a slight stubble and it tickles as I kiss him.

"I know, I'm gonna shave", he says.

I lean up to his ear.

"Don't", I whisper and I feel how he shivers.

"Ewww Katniss! I'm still here!" Prim laughs.

"What did you hear what I said?" I ask looking at her.

"No but Peeta shivered, so it must have been something alike what I tell Rory", she says.

This gets into my head. What the hell?! She's seventeen!

"Primrose Everdeen!" Peeta shouts loudly.

"Prim!" I shout.

Prim only laughs. She just love our reactions.

The girls laughs as they look at Prim and sees how she's laughing.

I smile at what I have in front of me. A fairytale. Peeta, my little sister Prim, the girls. This is all too good to be true.

I just know that it won't always be like this. Evantually Prim will move. Peeta will get a call back and Riley and Rebecca will grow up.

I just wish that everything thing could just stay the way they are now. But they can't, because life isn't a fairytale.


✏️748 words✏️

Hey guys, I hope you all liked the first chapter in the sequel to Hopeless love.

I made the chapter short on purpose because it was like a little introduction, the second chapter is going to be a real chapter :)

But I hope you liked it so far anyways :)

Vote and comment to tell me what you all thought and I hope you'll stay and like this book as much as the first one, and maybe even more ;)

-Josephine xx

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