Part 37

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I enjoyed writing this chapter.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much <3


'Why did you marry me?'

A simple question which warranted an honest answer.

Yet he had not been able to give it to her. Thank God for HP's timely intervention! Anjali Di had called Khushi Bhabhi to decide on dishes for dinner.

When he had agreed for marriage with Khushi, he had made a decision to let her know about his feelings. He was not the kind of man who believed in hiding things. It had obviously not eluded him that there was a possibility that his confession may lead to Khushi being obliged to return his feelings – even though she may not feel the same at that point of time. But then he trusted the woman he had married to be mature enough. When had she ever been conventional!

It had all fallen away the previous night!

The night in Nainital was still etched in his memory like it was yesterday. And now yesterday night.

He was not going to forget Khushi's withering about in anguish anytime soon. Yesterday had made him realize that there was much more to his wife's traumatic past than he was expecting. He had obviously not expected it to be a cake-walk. But in all the time he had known her, Khushi had shown no effect of her past on her life. In fact, if he thought about it, no one could ever guess that such a grim reality lay beneath her bubbly exterior unless she herself told them.

There was a fifty percent probability that if he told her his feelings, she would be pressurised to revert back. And given her nightmares were caused due to stress, he was not going to willingly take that chance.

But if he knew anything about his wife, it was that she was stubborn to a fault. There was only one way to take control here – distraction.

And Arnav Singh Raizada was a master of the art!


'Khushi meet me in the garden after dinner.'

Mrs. Raizada had considered all possibilities in her mind by the time the said dinner was finished. From a sudden trip abroad to a gossip in tomorrow's headline – she had pictured it all!

It would suffice to say that when she found her husband in the garden in a very stiff posture, her already uninhibited imagination went wild.

"Arnav what's wrong?", she walked as fast as her two feet would carry her.

"Nothing to worry about, Khushi. Come.", he extended his hand.

"Dammit man spit it out!", she snapped.

"Relax Khushi. I just wanted to inform two things about my family.", he made circles on her palm calming her instantly.

Khushi's silence indicated that she was listening raptly.

"Firstly, you threw a vase at me in morning. While I personally find that trait very endearing, my Dadi was there.", he spoke while drawing patterns now.

"So?", she frowned.

"She's a very orthodox woman Khushi. She doesn't like women who are 'uncultured'. Not that what you did was uncultured."

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