Part 25

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He was about to climb the stairs to the front gate when he heard a soft 'Wait'. Turning around, he found a drawn-faced Khushi.

"What's the matter?", he hurried back to her.

"I forgot to tell you something."

"Can't you wait till we get inside?", he frowned.

"I don't want to go into this without telling you something important."


"I'm adopted.", she looked him dead straight in the eyes.

"What? How can that be?!", he asked shocked.

"Remember the sexual assault I told you about?"

"How can I not!", Arnav grit his teeth.

"It happened when I was living in an orphanage. Lasted for about a year or so. I was a child so didn't know what was happening except that it felt... wrong.", Khushi said with moist eyes.

"Khushi. Sweetheart you don't have to this.", Arnav took her hand in his.

"I have to. So, I became extremely withdrawn. Became sick. The authorities figured out something was wrong and put two and two together. They were just starting to get famous hence couldn't afford the scandal. They put me up for adoption for anyone who would make the first offer. I was really lucky Mom and Dad were the ones. People have this weird stubbornness for genes and own blood – I don't want to deceive anyone."

"Do you really think so low of me?"

"Never of you. But your family might care about it.", Khushi shrugged.

"What orphanage was it? I'm getting Aman to sue them.", ASR was back.

"It's all in the past now. Nothing is going to take away the hurt is it?", a tear slipped from her hazel eyes.

"Come here you.", he whispered drawing her into a hug.

For the first time in her life maybe she had not had a nervous breakdown thinking about the incident. In the past she had always avoided thinking about it – fearing that speaking the thoughts might actually make it more real than it already was. Yes, it was naïve. But anything was good if it helped her remain sane.

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