Part 26

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It has happened with most of us. When we fall sick and are forced to drink a bitter medicine. Its necessary but after it's done, it leaves a bitter taste in our mouth. Khushi could feel it in her heart that this was going to be one such situation. Gone were all the positive feelings she had soaked in at the Raizadas. What remained was cold fear and panic. Steeling her resolve with a deep breath, she put her hand on the handle of the car when she heard him.

"Wait.", this time it was Arnav who said the words. The difference being, he said it before they exited his car.

"Earlier today I asked your father for your hand in marriage."

"WHAT?!!", Khushi turned around violently.

"He consented. I was going to tell you but then you threw the 'marry-me' bomb on me and I was caught off-guard. Didn't want to throw you off guard in there.", he spoke calmly.

"BABUJI SAID YES?!!! WHAT THE-!", Khushi exclaimed in shock.

"Either that or I am hard of hearing.", Arnav chuckled leading her inside.

Devi Maiyya was on their side it seemed, for everyone was already gathered in the living room. Khushi walked up to them and cleared her throat.

"Everyone, there is something I would like to say.", she began nervously.

Shashi – who had seen Arnav – winked at Garima. He would be collecting his bet amount from his lovely wife soon. Yes, they had made a wager. On? Whether Khushi would say yes to Arnav. The very fact that they were standing here on the same day when their daughter had left in a hurry, looking very sombre, was enough to tell them what was going to happen. He motioned the house help to bring his coffee – might as well enjoy the drama with his favourite!

"YOU? What are you doing here?!", Naina shouted having caught a sight of Arnav.

"Badi Maa he's my guest.", Khushi said motioning Arnav to sit near her father.

She took the seat next to him and asked Ramu Kaka to bring her chai.

"Will your daughter grace us with an answer Garima?", Naina turned to her sister-in-law.

"Jiji she will...", Garima began.

"Me and Arnav are getting married.", Khushi spoke in one breath and waited for all hell to break loose.

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