Part 12

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Khushi sat in her room's balcony looking at the scenery before her, her mind in deep thought. Her proximity and growing bond with a certain man were worrying her. She could see that Arnav had some feelings for her. Whether it was love, liking or something else she didn't know. He really was a very nice person – a perfect gentleman.

When she had come to know him, her heart had given in. She had let matters unfold and now here she stood. What could she have done! Devi Maiyya had given carefully noted down everything Khushi had ever wanted in a man, put it all in Arnav Singh Raizada and brought him into Khushi's life.

Khushi chuckled mirthlessly. It was not possible for her to enter a relationship. Not now, not ever. If Arnav knew her truth, he would himself reconsider his feelings. She looked up at the sky seeking answers from her Devi Maiyya. Why did you send a man I always desired in my life and not give me the destiny to keep him? Her heart ached so much that it brought tears to her eyes.

"Khushi, where are you?", Arnav's voice accompanied the knock on her door.

"I'm in the balcony.", she quickly wiped her tears.

"Why are you sitting here? And so silently?!", a surprised question came forth.

"I was.. Just thinking about something. Did you want something?"

"Yeah I just came to inform you that I'll be eating here itself. I have work."

"Even I'm tired today. I'll eat here too. When will you order?"

"In a while. I have a call to make."

"Okay I'll wait for you.", she said smiling a little.

He turned to leave but asked again, "Are you sure you're fine Khushi?"

"Yeah Arnav. Now go quickly. I'm very hungry.", she pushed him out.

There was no point in crying over her fate. She would make the most of these two days and then face her destiny, Khushi decided.


"Haan Maa everything is fine. Yes I've reached safely. Yeah I ate pizza and burger."

"But Chotte you don't eat junk food!", RatnI should try it."

"Wow me and Akash kept asking you for so long but you never ate junk. And now in a far away hill station you betray us.", Anjali chided him.

"Who Di.."

"Arnavvvv where are you? I'm hungry. I can hear Pizzas calling me. Arnavv.", Khushi screamed walking into his room.

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