Part 27

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"Why are you marrying Khushi Arnav Bitwa?"

Arnav was standing by the poolside when he heard the most unexpected question from the most unsuspecting person of Raizada Mansion.

Manorama Raizada.

"What the?"

Wasn't Chachi just wiping her tears downstairs when he had announced his marriage? Of course, discretely. Her serious language indicated he – well for the lack of a better word – seriousness.

"You have not even known her for a month. When you had to decide between starting your own business and the family business, you took three months. When everyone had consented for Akash and Payal's marriage, you took a week to cross check things. Why not the same caution here?", Anjali asked coming to stand beside her aunt.

"Okaay... I was under the impression that you guys were ecstatic with joy?", Arnav drawled.

"We are Chotte. We don't want you to rush into anything.", Manorama said.

"Is it because we kept pressurising you to marry?", Anjali frowned.

"I love her."

Pin drop silence followed.


"Waah Arnav Bitwaz!! You have made me proud!", an excited Manorama hugged Arnav.

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An embarrassed Arnav chuckled.

"Grow up Di. I am not like you – finalizing the show stopper's dress one hour before the show. I had realized my feelings for Khushi in Nainital. I had no intention of rushing things so but then it all just happened.", he calmed down his mad family.

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