Part 11

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"Ar..Arr.. Arnav?"

Khushi was the first to come out of the moment. If one opened the gate of their hotel suite, one had the chances of landing in Arnav Singh Raizada's arms, Khushi made a mental note.

"Khushi? What are you doing here?", Arnav asked letting go of her unwillingly.

"I'm here to attend a conference. What are you doing here?", Khushi explained so calmly no one could say her heart was running like a race.

"I'm here to attend a conference too. But I meant what are you doing in my room?"

"Excuse me? YOUR room? This is MY room?", Khushi said with her hands on her hips.

"No. See here is my key.", Arnav smirked enjoying her pose thoroughly.

"WHAT? And here is my key. See it has the room number as well – 304.", Khushi said proudly taking out her key from her jeans pocket.

"But that's what it says on mine!", exclaimed a bewildered Arnav.


"We're sorry sir, ma'am. It looks like our new staff has made a mistake. Both of your bookings appear to have been made around the same time and the same room has been allotted to you both. I am very sorry.", the manager was very embarrassed. These were both top clients and such a mix-up could cost him his career.

"So, what's the big deal? Allocate us another room.", Arnav said politely. It did seem like an honest mistake.

"Sir our hotel has been made the venue of the Real Estate Meet 2020 at the last moment. All our rooms are pre-booked. I'm afraid we don't have any spare rooms.", the manager was sweating now.

"Surely there is something you..", Arnav began.

"It's fine dudee. Arnav, the suite has two rooms. We'll share.", Khushi ended everyone's dilemma grinning at the manager.

"I'm really sorry Ma'am. Sir."

"It's fine. Send us some extra food to compensate for the trouble."

A grinning Arnav led an excited-at-the-prospect-of-food Khushi away, shaking his head at her childishness.


Arnav had just settled on the bed with his laptop, when he heard a knock. Looking up he saw Khushi's head hanging between the door and the wall. She was dressed in a pale green kurti. She looked angelic.

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