Part 15

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"Yes", his confidence could be heard clearly in that one word.

"Why? To save me from his advances?", the mature Khushi Kumari Gupta was in the room now.

"Yes.", he spoke again.

Arnav had no intentions of divulging the details until he knew what exactly Khushi had concluded on her own. He knew she was a smart woman. The very fact that she was sitting here asking him this question affirmed the fact that she had given it a good deal of thought.

"But you had warned me about him. You were well aware of the situations before-hand. Then why must you go ahead and say something so bizarre?", she questioned frowning.

"What do you want to ask Khushi?", a smug look now in place.

"Arnav Singh Raizada I want to know why did you go around proclaiming I'm your girlfriend to a man who was planning to assault me.", she burst in anger.

"Calm down woman. I told that swine that because that's what I felt. I don't lie Khushi.", Arnav said raising his hands in mock surrender.

"BUT WHY DAMN IT?", her vein was throbbing now.

This man was impossible. Here she was in such a mess thinking about his words. And he was sitting calm as a..

"Because I meant it. You're the most beautiful and intelligent woman I have had the pleasure of knowing. I like you Khushi Kumari Gupta.", he stated quietly in a serious tone.

"WHAT?!! You... you like... me?", Khushi's eyes were wide a saucer now.

She was a sight to behold. Her eyes had widened comically and her cheeks were a deep hue of red. She had started jamming her food with the Jalebis on the table – without swallowing what was in her mouth. At this rate, she was going to choke soon!

"Careful Khushi. Eat slowly.", he held her hand to stop her from eating anymore.

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