Part 22

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For all my readers!

Hari Prakash, in his sincere effort to set the table by the poolside, had missed three coughs from the person for whom the efforts were being made.

Arnav Bhaiya.

Khushi bit her lips to prevent herself from laughing at the scene unfolding before her eyes. Hari Prakash was determined to set the plates at the exact angle with the spoon and fork. Arnav on the other hand was impatient to get some alone time with her. He had coughed three times – quite loudly the third time – but to no avail. He looked like he would snap in 3... 2... 1...

"That will be all HP. We'll manage.", he spoke with hands in his trousers.

"Ji Bhaiya. Bas let me serve.", HP made to serve the dishes.

"HP ji I eat so much that you will be here all day if you serve! I'll do it.", Khushi smiled at the poor man.

"Accha. Do call me if you need anything Khushi Didi.", HP smiled showing all his shiny pearls.

"What the -! She's not Didi. Call her Khushi or Bh.. Just Khushi.", Arnav corrected urgently.

"Ji.", HP said wondering why his Arnav Bhaiya was suddenly so particular on titles.

Khushi looked at Arnav's drawn face and knew that there was something that was worrying him. Knowing the man, he would probably begin explaining the scenario downstairs. She had her own questions but all that could wait. His diabetic body – how sad was that – couldn't wait for food! This was going to take some Khushi Kumari Gupta magic. Seating herself on one of the chairs, she quickly served food for them both and began eating before he could even open his mouth to utter a word.

"Did you see Virushka's new video?", she asked between eating and eating.

"Who?", Arnav cocked an eyebrow. Of all things he had expected Khushi to ask, this was not there.

"Virushka?", Khushi looked at him with an expression of dread.

Seeing no recognition on his face, she let out a shriek. Cupping her face with her palms and rounding her eyes as wide as saucers, she expressed her shock precisely.

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