Part 23

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The owner of the Purple Orchid had invested a lot of money into making the restaurant a comfortable den. That included the air conditioner present between almost every three tables. And yet the gentleman seated in the private VIP cubicle was sweating, as noted by the waiter Shyam.


Arnav Singh Raizada was sweating.

In a fully air-conditioned area.

The reason for this uncalled-for behaviour was sitting in front of him – Sashi Gupta.

A week ago, a very confident Arnav had asked Aman to get in touch with Mr. Gupta and schedule a meeting. He had been exhilarated when Shashi Gupta had accepted the meeting request without much fuss. Even to the extent of giving Aman a holiday – but had stopped himself just in time!

And here he sat, having asked Mr. Gupta THE question exactly five minutes, forty-nine seconds back. The time Mr. Gupta took to process his proposal was being utilized by Arnav in counting the tiles on the floor and downing glasses of chilled water to keep his throat from being parched. It would not do good to sound like a frog here!

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"So, you're telling me that you were the brain behind my company losing the Sheesh Mahal project?", Shashi asked with a blank face.

"Yes, Mr. Gupta.", Arnav spoke unapologetically.

"It's Sashi please. Why?", he smiled for the first time since Arnav had asked him the question.

"Uncle it is then. Please don't consider me arrogant but what your company wanted to so with Sheesh Mahal – break it down – was an injustice to the history of that palace. And I personally do not appreciate your nephew's business ethics.", Arnav spoke looking directly in his eyes.

"Hmm. And you met Khushi at the party there?"

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