Part 44

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"Are the documents ready Aman?", asked Arnav Singh Raizada while walking into office that morning.

"I have marked the places which need Khushi's signatures.", Aman simply handed him the copies he had just printed.

"You are a keeper Aman.", mocked Arnav mimicking his wife's tone from a few days back.

Aman just clicked his tongue and informed him about his meeting with Khushi's best friend. As expected, ASR had zero interest in anything that was not Raizada or Khushi.

"Remember to distribute the bonus to the employees by the end of day Aman.", Arnav said while logging into his work PC.


The employees were always grateful for a boss who shared his joy in cash instead of pinning his choice of gifts on them.


Preeto was packing her bag to retire for the day when she saw a Christian Dior package on her desk. Her bewildered and pleasantly shocked eyes looked up to see her boss's husband smiling at her.

"ASR?", the name carried the question she wanted to ask.

"Thank you for taking care of my wife all these days. In a place where most people are looking for an opportunity to back-stab her, she is really lucky to have a friend and employee like you.", said the man of few words.

"Thank you.", Preeto accepted the gift with slightly misty eyes.

"There is an admission letter to the university course which you wanted to take but could not due to reasons best known to you. Don't worry I spoke to the principal and she agreed to let you take the course in online mode.", Arnav said while turning to walk to Khushi's office casually.

As if he had not just changed the trajectory of someone's life beautifully with his kindness.

This was the words that greeted Khushi when she opened the door to her office. Once again, she was mesmerized by the constant thoughtfulness that her husband displayed.

"I did not investigate her! While looking for your office conditions I stumbled on her details.", the man who never explained said.

"Thank you.", two words which expressed both trust and gratitude.


In the car, Arnav handed her a bunch of documents - ranging from bank account to villas to companies!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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