Part 4

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"Yes Aman, get the jet ready. We'll meet you at the airport in half an hour. Yeah that'll be all.", Arnav cut the call and knocked on the door.

It was opened by Anjali. His mother and sister both were flushed with excitement.

"Anything up with you guys?", he asked cocking an eyebrow.

"No Chotte. We're just excited to have acquired this palace!", his mother spoke smiling from ear to ear.

"Great. You have twenty minutes before we need to leave. Pack up and meet me at the main gate in twenty.", he conveyed and walked towards his room wondering why was their happiness showing after three days of buying the place!

Closing the door behind her, Anjali turned to her mother,"Khushi Kumari Gupta??"

"Yes, Anjali I saw them sitting like they were a couple. In fact they were sharing food!", Ratna Raizada was grinning.

"Give it a rest Maa. Let Arnav decide. We've finally seen a girl in his life. If we rush things they can go awry.", clearly Anjali was wiser.

"Hmm you're right.", she agreed, the smile dropping from her face. She knew that when Anjali referred to Arnav with his name and not 'Chotte' she was dead serious.

"Fine. Before we drop this topic, I'll help you find out where does Chotte stand. Okay?"

"Okay!", her mother exclaimed in joy - the smile back - and left to get ready.

'Let it be true Devi Maiyya. Let him move on.', Anjali prayed closing her eyes.


Arnav was instructing the staff to recheck the bags when they arrived. He had changed into a white shirt and jeans looking quite the opposite of the entrepreneur in the party.

 He had changed into a white shirt and jeans looking quite the opposite of the entrepreneur in the party

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"Khushi is such a good girl Maa.", Anjali elbowed her mother.


Anjali had noticed her brother freeze for a moment at the mention of Khushi's name although his face didn't betray anything. Yes! So her mother was not exaggerating.

"Let's be quick.", Arnav instructed in an attempt to end the discussion.

Thankfully his sister agreed.


As the plane took off, he turned to see whether his family was well settled.

Once satisfied, he turned to look at the sky. Looking at the vast universe was his favorite part of air travel. It was a reminder that whatever success he had achieved was merely a representation of one's view of the universe. Our view of the universe could never summarize it – it stretched infinitely much beyond what we could see at present. And it was ever expanding. There was so much that was yet to be done, he sighed. These deep thoughts were a usual part of his life. What was unusual was thoughts of her.


His mind kept going back to her. The name 'Khushi' suited her, he mused smiling slightly. From the corner of his eyes he saw his sister eye him.

Well he was done denying it. There definitely was something here.The way she had bravely called him out because she thought he was hitting on her. The way she had unhesitatingly asked to sit on the bench. The way she had cutely asked for the food on his plate. How uninhibitedly she had went on to ask about his details and give hers ; it was like she had known him since childhood.

Wait what – cutely??

Heck yes!!  She was cute.

She was cute, beautiful, charming and curious and many more things. Arnav like that the most about her. He abhorred people who did as asked without questioning. His main belief was that curiosity breed genius. But going back to Khushi, whatever she was, there was one thing of hers that blew his mind completely.

Her smile.

She smiled straight from her heart. And when she smiled,her eyes lit up! And everything in her vicinity was compelled to give in to her joy.

But it didn't matter. There was no way here. He didn't believe in relationships. He knew his mother and sister thought that he valued his bachelor lifestyle too much to settle down. But they could not have been more wrong. Lately he had realized that he too was beginning to crave companionship.To have someone waiting for him after a tiring day at work. To have someone to share your thought and problems with. An image of Khushi draped in a red saree waiting at the door to take his bag as he returned from a tiring day flooded his eyes.

What the -!!

No. He literally shook his head as if to clear his mind of Khushi.

What had happened to his parents had crushed all his belief in the institution of marriage. After all, he had his father's blood coursing through his veins. He had seen his mother's pain and heartbreak. He found it difficult to believe that he would find someone who he would like to live the rest of his life with. Happily. He would never be able to live with himself if he entered a marriage and then broke his partner's heart. Moreover, no girl would willingly agree to marry him after knowing his past. They all always agreed because of the money. Never for the man. So, it was best to remain unattached.

He had just concluded that it was safe to remain away from this girl when another image entered his mind. An image that disturbed him deeply. Very deeply.

Khushi – wearing the same red saree – and laughing at a man with an unknown face. He hugged her and they walked towards their house.


Yes. This 'No' was fiercer.

He had known her for four hours now. But the thought of her being with someone else killed him. He knew it was dramatic but that was what he had felt. He was back to square one. He looked up at the heavens,praying to his Nani to show him the path. Should he follow his mind or heart?


They were about to reach Raizada Mansion when his phone rang. Seeing a number displayed, he contemplated ignoring it. But then taking up the distraction, he answered the call and pressed the phone to his ear.

"Hello. Arnav?",  Khushi's  sweet voice came through.

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