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"Cut it," I just say sternly, looking Jungkook in the eyes through the mirror.

Looking a bit anxious he nods just doing as I say, he lifts the scissors to my mullet and starts cutting. I can already feel myself feeling lighter.

I spent a week, a whole week just sleeping in that room Taehyung had ready for me. What else was I supposed to do? I cried all day, then fell asleep just to wake up the next morning to cry again over the same man.

I gave Namjoon everything, I laid my soul bare for him, and he crushed it with his dirty hands. Yoongi seems like a complete saint compared to him, yeah, I miss Yoongi. He was actually there for me, why couldn't I see that before, no I did see it, but I was so afraid of him. Why can't the world be simple, why am I surrounded by this chaos.

I saw the devil and took his hand when he offered, I ate the forbidden fruit and liked it.

Namjoon once told me he loved my long hair, so now I'll cut it off. Just like how I will be cutting off all ties I have to him.

[Chapter 22- Cut it off]

The phone rings again and Namjoon just looks at it with a blank stare, this is the second time today, but it's not the person he wants calling. Namjoon never felt so hurt in his life, all the while Namjoon was trying to get into Seokjin's heart, the opposite happened. Namjoon doesn't understand or know why a man of all people would catch his attention. All his life it was a woman that would catch his eye, however something about Seokjin just made him want to lose all control, made him want Seokjin all to himself.

The moment their eyes met at the ice breaker Namjoon wouldn't, no, couldn't look away. There was something about Seokjin's face where he loved the cute and innocent reactions and pain. It was harmless fun to him, to poke at Jin, maybe make the teachers have them near each other or something simple like that. It was Seokjin's innocence that attracted him the most, no woman could give what Seokjin can. That's something Namjoon truly believes.

This 'betrayal' could not have hit him harder, the reality that Seokjin might not come back came crashing down on him. It's like when his mother left him, 'There's something wrong with him,' Those words coming out of Seokjin's mouth. The words she left him with.

The phone rings, Namjoon looks at it and picks it up tired of hearing the sound of it buzzing and ringing in his ears. The caller Id is an unknown one but he answers it.

"Hello," He forces out of his dry throat.

"This is detective Jiwon, we've talked before Mr. Kim,"

Namjoon's whole body goes stiff, his weepy eyes turn cold and hostile, but a large smile comes to his face. "Yes of course," Almost like life just suddenly breathed into him his voice got chipper. "How may I help you, detective?"

"Would it be possible for you to come down to the station this afternoon?" Her toon seems to change as well. "I have some questions for you."

Namjoon's crooked smile turns down, this is a very unexpected turn of events. His heart starts to pump, his body feeling slightly hotter as thoughts and ideas run through his head. However Namjoon has always had a cool head. It's only rational to just cooperate and figure out what the detective wants later.

"No problem,"

- - -

Taehyung fix's his shirt standing in front of Seokjin's room door. It's been over a week since the last time they've talked. Jin would only allow Jungkook to come into the room, Jin's meals would always have to be set outside. It was a toss up if he would eat or not. Jimin and Taehyung would always hear crying in the night or just hours of the shower water running.

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