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"Here you are, your new classes will be on your school account. Have a good day!" My school counselor says to me, handing me my final form for transferring my credits.

"Thank you so much!" I smile then walk out of the counselors office.

I breathe in the fresh air of my old domain, it's been months since I've been on this campus, oh man was I a fool. Going after all these sluts that were only attractive because they were good looking, just because they wore something revealing. Well I'm ready for a chase, I'm ready to go after my true love.

I'm back Jin, and I won't let anyone steal you from me ever again. Whoever was in that photo knows that we love each other and wants to separate us! How dare he go after my Jin, how dare he wave it in my face!

Don't worry, Jin, I'll protect you!

I giggle looking at the campus, the trees are still beautiful, so beautiful I know my Jin will be looking at them. And I will be looking at my Jin.

[Chapter 9- First day]

Taehyung sighs as he takes out a new pack of cigarettes, he peels off the wrapper and discards it in the trash next to him. Working at a part time restaurant job like this is hard for him, he's not used to this type of work. But it's what he has to do, it's a perfect cover for him.

His phone buzzes making him groan with announce, the name 'Fatass' has been spamming him all day, to an extent that he just wants to chuck his phone into the wall breaking it to pieces.


Yo! Taehyung answer your damn phone before I find you and kill you!

Where the fuck are you?

2 days is fine but it's been over 3 weeks! You need to get your ass in gear and call me.

Fucking Taehyung!! I swear to god if you don't explain, your ass is on a platter.

Boss is asking for your head now! You better be dead already!

"Jesus this midget is getting on my nerves." Taehyung says turning his phone all the way off and stuffing the phone in his pocket before putting a cig in his mouth.

Taking out the lighter from his jacket pocket the moon moves perfectly, lighting Taehyung's handsome and structured features. But what also comes to light is a scar on his right shoulder, his tee shirt sleeves rolled up from the hot kitchen. The scar is jagged with clear indications that it was stitched up at one point and even stapled. A hideous scar.

Taehyung lights his cigarette and takes a long drag feeling his nerves being settled by the strong new nicotine. With a deep and low breath he breathes out a puff of smoke. Dropping his hand with his cig he watches the smoke disappear into the air above, the stars in view along with the beautiful half moon. It's a beautiful night.

"As your friend I advise you to stop, that habit can kill you." Jin's voice replays in Taehyung's head.

Lifting his hand to look at his cigarette Jin's nagging but cute voice comes to mind and he laughs to himself.

"I wonder how that goof ball is doing?" Taehyung says aloud to himself. He drops the cig to the ground and smothers it under the heel of his shoe.

Jin informed the owner not so long ago that he would be quitting because he got an internship that will be taking up most of his time, besides school, from now on. Of course the owner was very understanding but sad that one of his best works will be leaving him.

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