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I look at my sister as she just plays with an origami bird she made with one of the nurses. Sitting here looking at her like this makes me smile seeing her better but also lights the fire within me to take the revenge I've been dying for.

I know he did this to my Taeyang, I know he did, he's capable of so much. I thought we were friends, I seriously thought he was a good person trying to help me, her.

I was wrong and this was the result.

[Chapter 3- Recalling the past pt.2]

"Okay, okay," Yoongi lets out a defeated sigh, "He's pretty good."

Jin laughs and pats the males back while looking at Jungkook with a thumbs up through the glass. The three are currently in one of the university's student studios in the music department building. Jungkook just finished recording a snippet of Yoongi's song called 'So far away.' usually he uses Jin's voice but Jin felt like he needed someone more talented.

"I still need you Jin." Yoongi says handing him head phones. Jin rolls his eyes and already knows what to do from Yoongi dragging him into the studio multiple times before.

Jungkook and Jin switch places with Jin in the soundproof room with the mic ready and set up. Jin looks at the sheet with the lyrics and frowns a bit seeing that Yoongi is making another sad song. He puts on the head phones anyway though and looks at Yoongi signaling he's ready. The music plays and Jin sings.

Jungkook immediately smiles hearing Jin's sweet and melodic voice, he can't believe Jin was hiding such a voice. But he knows Jin is a very shy and insecure person at times. Looking down at Yoongi to ask a question Jungkook sees the man smiling, completely shocked Jungkook stays quiet just looking at such a rare sight.

Yoongi notices Jungkook's gaze and quickly stops his natural response to Jin's voice. "Wipe that grin off your face kid," Yoongi says, not having to look at Jungkook to know. "And we'll not be discussing anything either." Yoongi quickly adds.

Jungkook puts his hands up in defeat and snickers.

- - -

Thanking the two singers Yoongi lets them go and stays in the studios telling the two he has to put the song together. Jungkook and Jin wave bye as they leave the studio, they decide to get a treat for themselves for their hard work. As they walk out of the music department Jungkook questions Jin why he didn't tell him he likes singing as well. Of course Jin just said he didn't think he was all that good, which Jungkook fully disagreed with that statement.

Walking through the campus to the gate Jungkook suddenly had a thought about classes and remembered he had to check out a book. Jin told him to hurry and sat on a campus bench to relax till Jungkook returned.

- - -

"W-who is that?" A girl whispers to her friend passing by a stranger, "Does he go here?"

"I don't know but he's cute!" The friend giggles.

Taehyung gets a smirk on his face hearing the whole interaction but continues walking, he knows he's handsome. But he's not on a school campus to pick up chicks, he's here to find someone. So Taehyung walks around a bit scoping out the place not really knowing where to go but also is trying to familiarize himself with the place. Many girls that he passes by giggle and blush seeing him but he ignores it all just focusing on the task at hand.

After a while he finally wants to know where he's going so he looks around and spots a path that seems like a good way to start, the path is surrounded by trees and leaves. The fall makes the trees lose their green color and replaces it with brown leaves.

A bench comes to view and so does the person sitting on it, a male with porcelain like skin, beautiful plump pink lips and sandy blonde long hair.

Taehyung is utterly baffled at how someone could surpass his own handsome beauty. Walking closer he sees the male just looking at a small pocket book. 'He seems nice,' Taehyung starts to approach the male.

"Hey," He says, and Jin jumps a bit in his seat suddenly being called out by a deep voice. "H-hello?" Jin looks at him a little taken aback, he's never seen him before and he's not sure if the stranger knows him.

"Sorry, I just uh... I'm looking for the economics department building." He asks, becoming a bit nervous all of a sudden.

"Oh!" Jin happily smiles and stands from the bench, "Well I can take you if you like!"

'Damn he's pretty.' Taehyung couldn't help but swallow his thought. "Thanks I really appreciate it." he says. Jin puts his book back into his bag and begins to lead the stranger.

"Are you new?" Jin asks out of curiosity. "Uh, no here to visit someone." Taehyung tried to be as vague as possible.

"Well it's good you found me, I actually take a few classes in the economics building." Jin smiles politely. "Who are you trying to visit?"

Taehyung smirks a bit but looks at Jin with a smile, "It's a secret, but I can tell you who I am," Taehyung says, making Jin become a little suspicious of the male. "Kim Taehyung, and you are?"

"Seokjin, Kim Seokjin."

Taehyung and Jin make it to the economics building making Jin stop walking gesturing that they made it.

"Well thank you and it was nice to meet you. Maybe I'll come visit you next time." Taehyung smiles before walking up the steps and disappearing into the building.

'What a handsome but strange guy' Jin says to himself.

- - -

Namjoon smiles at his classmates as they walk out of the classroom leaving him in the empty class. He begins to pack his backpack till the sound of the classroom door catches his attention. The smile falls seeing a face he thought he drove away come into the classroom. Taehyung just smirks seeing that Namjoon is surprised to see him.

"Been a while hasn't it?" Taehyung says standing in front of the class now looking up at Namjoon. The male doesn't speak. "What? Not even a hello to an old friend?"

Namjoon lets out a small chuckle and continues putting his things away in his backpack. This makes Taehyung grimace feeling ignored but he keeps his cool and stands firm in place.

Namjoon puts his backpack onto his shoulder and begins walking down the steps of the lecture hall towards Taehyung. A stare down is between them, eyes just locked onto each other, if a look could kill.

Namjoon stops in front of the male, Taehyung curses himself for not growing taller over the years.

"Hello," Namjoon just says with a smirk and walks right past the man heading to the classroom door.

Taehyung quickly turns and glares at Namjoon's back, "You won't get away with what you've done to me, to my sister." Namjoon stops and only moves his head to look back.

"And what exactly did I do?" He just asks. With Taehyung's silence Namjoon smirks and puts his hand on the door opening it slightly, "That's what I thought." with that he left Taehyung in the classroom. 

- - - To be continued

Sorry it's short but don't worry now we're going to the real story. Good luck! And hope you survive the story. I hope you like it too though!

Freak out! Peace!

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