Ch. 12

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No! No! I can't lose him!

My brother called saying that Jin was attacked by someone at his internship at the hotel. Geum-jea can't make it and asked me to check on him, but he doesn't have to ask. The moment I heard Seokjin was in danger I started to panic. He means everything to me, I'm alive because of him. After my parents died I felt like there was no one on this earth that would love me, that would stay with me. Jin was that light, Jin became my reason for living. But as a result I became obsessed, I didn't know how to cope without him.

I'll become better just please be alright.

I run through the crowd and push myself to the ambulance, there I see my Jin. He's alive, he's okay.

But he's with him.

I rush over and as I run towards them I hear my worst nightmare.

"Stay with me tonight."

"Seokjin isn't going anywhere with you!" I huff. All eyes are on me now, Jungkook quickly gets into a defensive position blocking me from getting any closer.

"Get the fuck out of here." He says.

I ignore the kid and look at Jin, he looks terrified, my poor baby must have been scared half to death. I walk closer but Jin flinches, this look of terror increasing in his eyes as he looks at me. He's not afraid of what happened, in this moment he's afraid of me.

And he's clingy to Namjoon.

I can feel it, I thought my heart was already broken but who knew it could break anymore. But I guess I did this to myself, thinking I could have a chance after what I've done. I gave myself false hope.

I back away, slowly moving, keeping my eyes on Jin. I feel like this may be the last time. I'm going away, I thought I wouldn't be able to do it but it looks like I have to.

Goodbye Jin. I love you Seokjin.

[Chapter 12- Type of beginning]

Seokjin felt his heart beating differently, the look on Yoongi's face making him regret fearing him. With everything that's happened though, how could he not fear people who have loved him so extremely. He's afraid and the only comfort he feels now is with the man beside him, the man that saved him. Kim Namjoon.

The two have been at the hospital for a couple of hours now, it's dark and cold outside, the winter winds making the window shutter. Seokjin's brother and mother were there earlier but Seokjin made them go home reassuring them he will be okay and that he will visit tomorrow after he's rested.

"You sure you're alright Jin?" Jungkook asks, holding onto his best friends hand.

"Jungkook, I promise I'm okay now. I just want to sleep." Jin says a little frustrated the hospital won't let him leave just yet.

"Don't worry," Namjoon smiles at the younger. He takes Jin's other hand into his and squeezes it tightly, "He's in good hands, I'll make sure he's taken care of." Namjoon says.

Jin blushes and looks down onto his lap trying to make his hair hide it, Jungkook only smiles and nods of approval.

He's truly happy that Jin's found someone like Namjoon, or more like Namjoon found Jin. Jungkook doesn't know for sure if Namjoon is gay or maybe Bi, but he doesn't care because he's never seen Jin so happy by another person, so flustered.

'Whatever Jin was afraid of, he was wrong.' Jungkook thinks to himself. As he walks out of the hospital room he smiles to himself thinking about what might happen tonight after Seokjin has spent the night with Namjoon.

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