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"T-thanks for the ride Namjoon," I say as I reach for the car door handle. My heart is racing like crazy for some reason, it's just the way he's looking at me, I don't understand.

I smile at him and open the car door, "Uh, Seokjin, Wait!" He says stopping me from getting out of the car, I look back to him puzzled. He looks nervous, why?

"S-seokjin, do you maybe wanna hang out soon?" he asks, his voice a bit shaky but still has that bold confidence. I'm honestly stunned, I really want to trust Namjoon now, he's not what I thought. I really shouldn't have judged him right away, he's actually really nice.

"Y-yeah, maybe tomorrow?" I ask.

A huge smile comes to his face, his dimples more prominent than before. Oh my gosh he's just so cute and handsome.

"That would be great, Jin, I can't wait."

We wave goodbye to each other and he drives off in his black Mercedes. I let out a huge giddy giggle once I saw him out of sight. I can't believe it, Kim Namjoon just asked me to hang out with him.


Oh no... I don't like him, do I?

[Chapter 10- Fatass]

As Taehyung walks down the dimly lit and dirty road, his phone is the only sound that can be heard in this quiet neighborhood.

It's compact with many small apartment complexes, run down and old. It's an area where you can get an apartment for the cheapest price possible, only one bedroom with a tiny kitchen and bathroom.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, getting his phone out of his pocket and seeing more missed calls.

20 missed calls

30 messages

Again Taehyung just turns his phone off and keeps going about his business. He continues walking on the small and dank road leading to his apartment, a small gray and brown building, only 2 stories.

Taehyung sighs out as he gets out his keys from his pocket and opens the gate, inside he goes straight to the stairs and walks up to the second floor. On the first right is his apartment, and just like the other apartments in the area, it's small.

He puts his key in the lock, but wait, it's open. His door already open alerts Taehyung that someone broke in, and that person has either left or is still here. He can't take the risk, so he takes out a pocket knife flipping it open as he opens his door slowly and steadily.

Not even before he can search the small place the lights come on, Taehyung's eyes immediately go wide seeing his intruder.

"J-Jimin?" Taehyung says surprised.

"So this is your great escape?" Jimin says pointing around the room with an unamused expression on his face. "You could have at least picked something nicer, I mean, you have the money." he says smirking.

Taehyung quickly shuts his door and locks it, turning back to Jimin he gives the small male a deadly glare. "How the fuck did you find me?" he growls.

"Easy, where would Kim Taehyung run? He wants revenge and he loves his baby sister, now where would he go for those things? Oh! Of course his home town!" He says sarcastically. Jimin's eyes then go dark, a sadistic look gleaming in his eyes, "You can't run away from a hunter Taehyung, I gave you time, now you need to answer for your crimes. Boss won't believe my bullshit for long."

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