Ch. 8

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I basically drag Jin down his apartment stairs till we get into the parking lot, I let out a deep breath trying to calm myself down. The adrenaline from the alcohol and seeing Jin being basically abused in front of my eyes has made my heart rate go up like crazy. I need to breathe.

"J-Jungkook," Jin sobs out, I keep my back to him. I don't know what to say, what to do. "Jungkook, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Jin," I finally turn around to face him, he's a mess. "Is Yoongi really your friend?"

"Yoongi is my friend, my best friend, he just gets mad sometimes. He can't help it, maybe something triggered him today I'm not sure."

Oh god, Jin, you're so dense, so naive and I'm the younger one here. How can he not see how Yoongi looks at him, smiles when he does anything, Jin, Yoongi is madly in love with you. Even I know this and I don't even know the guy that well.

It hurts, my chest hurts. Jin is my best friend, I can't stand him getting hurt. The way Yoongi was to him today, I don't trust him anymore. I seriously thought Yoongi was just quiet and maybe even secretly shy like Jin. It hurts that Jin doesn't even trust to tell me he's gay. I've known for a while, it wasn't very hard to figure out despite how quiet he is sometimes.

"Jin, if this is a normal occurrence then Yoongi needs help, he can not do that to you." I say sternly.

"Jungkook, Yoongi needs me. You can't take me away from him, he just can't... he can't," I don't let him finish his sentence, "Jin, you can't be with him forever. You have to live your own life for yourself. If he needs you so much that he will verbally abuse you like that is just wrong. Yoongi needs help and should learn to be on his own. Your only human Jin."

Jin lets out a sob and covers his face with his hands and soft sweater. I quickly pull him into a tight hug, I can feel him tremble as he cries, soaking my shirt in his tears.

[Chapter 8- Feelings Pt.2]

Namjoon turns his back to Yoongi and just walks down the hall back to where Jungkook and Jin fled. Almost immediately Yoongi collapses to his knees and puts a shaky hand to his head, a painful sting surges through his mind, almost like an alarm going off in his head. His eyes go wide, his heart rate skyrockets, "What have I done?" he asks himself, his breathing shaky.

So Yoongi just stays on his knees reflecting on the events that just transpired, how he treated his love. Seokjin's face in pain from the forceful grip. Seokjin's face when he was calling him a slut. Yoongi can't help but curse at himself. He loves Jin, how could he treat him in such a way, how could he let himself lose control like that?

- - -

The two in the parking lot are still in a comforting embrace as Namjoon walks down the stairs, Jungkook spotting him signals him over. Jungkook then gently moves Jin away so that they could properly talk to Namjoon.

"You okay?" Namjoon talks to Jin first, putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning down to look at his red and pouty face. "I- I'll be okay, how did you know where we were? Why did you come?" Jin quickly asks remembering Namjoon just came out of nowhere.

"I just thought something was wrong, I wanted to make sure everyone was okay. I basically followed Jungkook but it took me a while," He lets out a laugh then looks at the younger male, "Jungkook runs pretty fast, I guess I'm out of shape."

Jungkook lets out a chuckle and shakes his head, "Well I'm glad you caught up with me, I would have killed Yoongi." Jungkook's tone turned sour as he talked. His face becoming very stern and serious looking to Jin to continue talking, "Seokjin, stay with me till you find a new place to live."

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