Rinfaces and Technology Problems

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Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, storms, and war. She is the one who bears the title, "The Queen of Heaven." The same can be applied to her rider self too.

Ereshkigal, the Babylonian goddess of death. Also known as "The Queen of the Great Below," or "Lady of the Great Place."

While these two (or three) may not get along with each other, they have two things in common.

One which is that they share the same face, body, and voice of a certain girl.

And that certain girl is named Tohsaka Rin.

Who happened to be a giant tsundere for a certain someone.

However, that is not the case for these two.

Because Ishtar carries Rin's tsundere side while Ereshkigal carries Rin's deredere side.

Another common point that these two (or three) share is the lack of knowledge to use modern technology.

Because Tohsaka Rin doesn't even know how to use modern technology or how it works.

And since they inherited Rin's body, they also inherited her tendencies as well.

Especially the part where they don't know how to use modern technology.

To make matters worse for them, Chaldea is filled with modern technology, making it their crucible. Ironically, they're living here.

Luckily, they have a certain red-haired heroic spirit to help them...

Shirou was having a normal day, walking down in the hallways of Chaldea. As he was doing that, he passed by one of Chaldea's relaxation rooms.

That was when he heard a familiar voice.

"Eh...uh...how do I do this?"

That voice was Ishtar, and she was having a hard time using the television and the remote.

"How do I change the channel?" she muttered as she tried to change the channel on the tv with the remote but failed. She then pressed multiple buttons on the tv remote, but they had no effect whatsoever. "Damn it! Why won't this stupid remote work!?" she yelled as she threw the remote down in a fit of anger.

However, she didn't realize that Shirou was watching the spectacle this whole time.


As soon as Ishtar heard Shirou's voice, she immediately jumped, floated in the air, and turned around to see Shirou in the relaxation room.

"E-Emiya-kun?!" she yelled with a blush.

There was a short silence as the two were trying to process what just happened.

"H-How long have you been here?!" Ishtar exclaimed nervously as her secret was exposed by the one person she didn't want anyone to know.

"Uh...just now?" he said.

After a few minutes of silence, Ishtar suddenly started to beat down on Shirou, stomping him with her foot.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! Tohsaka!"

"Call me Ishtar!"

"Ishtar-san, please stop this!" Shirou yelled as he was getting stomped on by Ishtar.

Ishtar then slowly stopped stomping on his head, leaving him some relief as the pain was over.

"You're bad with machines, aren't you? If you mind, maybe I can help you with-" Shirou said but was cut off.

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