Shirou Alter

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The process where a servant's personality changes to the exact opposite. Sometimes, it may affect the class as well or their facial features as well. For example, where Jeanne D'Arc is a Ruler-class servant that is lawful good, Jeanne D'Arc Alter is an Avenger-class servant that is chaotic evil.

And the scary part about this process is that it can happen to everyone at random times with any means...

Cú Chulainn was walking down the hallway, minding his own business as he was carrying his spear. As he did, he came across Shirou. However, he noticed something different about him.

"Hm? That's the kid over there...but something's off about him. Maybe I should check on him just in case." Cu then headed towards Shirou and gave him his usual greeting. "Hey there kid!" he said cheerfully.

However, what happened next completely shocked him.

"What do you want Lancer?" Shirou said with a cold tone of voice.

At that moment, Cú immediately knew something was wrong with Shirou. "Okay. There's definitely something wrong with him." For a moment, Cú was silent before continuing the conversation. "Is there something with you kid?"

"No. Nothing's wrong with me. Anyways, stop bothering me for a moment. I'm busy," Shirou said as he immediately left, leaving Cú behind.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Medusa was walking in the hallway, minding her own business as thoughts came into her head. "Okay. I'm done with my daily tasks. Maybe I should go to the library and read some books over there. Murasaki did say she already has some of the newest novels in stock."

As she continued walking down the hallway, it was then that she came across Shirou.

"Hey there Shirou," she greeted.

Shirou let out a sigh. "What do you want, Rider?" he said in a cold tone of voice.

Medusa was stunned for a moment upon hearing Shirou calling her out by her class name instead of her true name. "That's odd. I've never seen Shirou this cold before...don't tell me he's been altered by something or someone..."

For a moment, Medusa regained her composure before continuing the conversation. "Shirou...are you alright?"

Shirou let out a sigh again. "This question again? I swear, I'm fine. And just in case, I gave the same answer to Lancer earlier."


"Anyway, leave me alone for a bit. I'm busy right now," he said as he quickly started to walk down the hallway, leaving Medusa behind like what he did to Cú earlier.

And just like Cú, Medusa was left shocked and surprised by Shirou's words. "What happened to you Shirou..."

"So, he gave you the same treatment as well huh?" Cú said from behind.

Medusa turned around to see Cú. "Lancer..."

Cú went up to Medusa. "Yeah. For some reason, the kid seems to be a bit different from before, and in a bad way I mean."

"Yeah...I think he may have been altered by something or someone."

"Altered? You mean like what happened to one of my counterparts?"


Cú remained silent for a moment before continuing the conversation. "This isn't good. If he's altered...I don't know want to know."

"Me neither. However, we shouldn't conclude he's altered yet. Let's check him out a bit more."

"Good idea."

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