Fathers Day

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Mordred was walking down one of the hallways in Chaldea, minding her own business. As she did, it was then she overheard about a certain topic.

"Say, have you decided something on what to get for your father on Father's Day?" one staff member of Chaldea asked.

"I do actually. In fact, I was planning on asking for some time off to spend some time with him," another staff member of Chaldea replied.

"I see. Well, have fun with that!"

"Yeah, I will!"

As Mordred passed by the two staff members who were having a conversation, Mordred couldn't help but feel a little guilt inside of her, especially after thinking about her past with Arturia.

"Father's Day? Well, to be fair, I did sort of expect a holiday like this after hearing about Mother's Day a month ago, and it's the same..."

As the thought came into her head, images of Arturia appeared in her head along with the battle of Camlann in her head, and it made her feel sick in her stomach. Not only that, but the exchange of words that were said during in that battle haunted her as well.

"This is the end of your kingdom, King Arthrur! Face the consequences for not recognizing me as king!"

Arturia didn't say anything but readied herself for a fight.

"Is it hate? Do you hate me? You hate because I was born to a witch?"

Arturia didn't say anything.

"Answer me, Arthur!"

The two swung their swords at each other, with Arturia losing her sword in the clash.

"I have never hated you. If you wanted to know why I didn't give you the throne..." Arturia said as she brought her lance and lunged towards Mordred, stabbing her.

"It was because you don't have the capacity of a king."

Mordred's helmet shattered as she said her last word.


Mordred shook her head to get rid of the images that appeared in her head. "Jeez, not these images again. Just how long will they continue to haunt me..." she thought before she dismissed those thoughts in her head and continued walking down the hallway. As she continued to walk down the hallway, she kept hearing people taking about Father's Day.

Eventually, she gave in and began to think about buying something for Arturia and her counterparts.

"Well, I suppose I could buy something for father and her counterparts. After all, our relationship has improved...somewhat I suppose..." Mordred then sat down on a nearby bench and then began to think of a gift to give to Arturia and her counterparts. "What should I get...what should I get..." she muttered to herself as she was going through her thoughts in her head. Eventually, she couldn't think of anything, grabbed her head, and started scratching her head. "Damn it! I can't think of anything!" she exclaimed in frustration while sighing in defeat. "Jeez, I can't believe it's this hard just to even think a gift for father and her counterparts..."

As Mordred was struggling thinking about a gift to give for Arturia and her counterparts, it was then a certain person who could be considered the greatest help to Mordred arrived.

Emiya Shirou, also known as Mordred's mother.

"Hm? Mordred? What are you doing?"

Mordred let out a smile as her greatest help as arrived. "Great! Mother's here! The one person who knows her better than all of us in the Knights of the Round! This an opportunity I cannot pass up!" Mordred thought as she got off the bench she was sitting on. "Hey mother, I need your help with something."

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