Sieg's Arrival In Chaldea

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Ritsuka let out a sigh as he was in front of the doorway of the summoning room. "Well, today's the start of the new year, and it also means that today will be the first summoning of the new year! I've saved up my saint quartz and my summoning tickets. I wonder what I will get?"

The door to the summoning room opened automatically and Ritsuka went inside the room. Upon getting closer to the summoning alter, Ritsuka then dropped the saint quartz. The alter then lit up and Ritsuka was hoping that he would get a good servant.

However, instead of a servant, what appeared in front of him...was mapo tofu...and black keys.

Ritsuka was shocked for a moment. "Seriously?! Mapo tofu?! Black keys?! Again, after all this time?! Okay, calm down Ritsuka. Usually, the first summons are the bad ones, so something good may come out later..."

However, as time passed, Ritsuka's luck wasn't good at that moment as he kept getting craft essences and no new servants came by. Soon, Ritsuka ran out of saint quartz and was using the summoning tickets.

"Damn it! Guess it's up to the summoning tickets now!"

However, to his dismay, nearly all of the summoning tickets he was using came with bad results and what he summoned with them were more craft essences. Right now, Ritsuka was on his last summoning ticket, and he was almost in despair from the earlier results.

"Tch...I'm on my last summoning ticket...hope this one will summon me a good servant!"

Ritsuka then used his last summoning ticket, which in an instant, disappeared upon usage. The alter then lit up, then formed into multiple blue orbs. Then the blue orbs started to connect with each other and turned into a ring of blue sparks swirling around. Then the ring split into three and continued to swirl around. As the light faded, it revealed a gold card showing a robed old man wearing a hood with a long beard holding a staff while carrying a book at the same time. The card then disappeared and in its place revealed a teen. The teen looks slender, but hardy at the same time, has dark red eyes, and brown hair. His clothing consists of a black waistcoat, white shirt, black slacks, and a pair of half-boots. He was also carrying a sword on his waist.

"Um...servant... my name is Sieg. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just an ordinary homunculus. I may not be particularly powerful, but the Noble Phantasm that's been registered to me might be useful in battle. Use me as you see fit."

Ritsuka was silent for a moment before saying something. "Y-Yeah. Nice to meet you Sieg. Um...not to be rude or anything, but what class servant are you?"

"Hm...I'm not sure..." Sieg replied.

"I see...what skills do you have?"

Sieg was confused for a moment. "Skills? What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I mean something like magecraft or swordsmanship or marksmanship."

"Oh. I can swing a sword if that's what you are talking about."

"I see. Anything else special?"

"Well...I've obtained the heart of Siegfried and made it my own."

Ritsuka was shocked for a moment upon hearing Sieg's words. "Eh? Can you repeat that again?"

"Y-Yeah. I've obtained the heart of Siegfried and made it my own." Sieg repeated.

Ritsuka was silent for a moment while many thoughts came into his head. "He actually obtained the heart of Siegfried, the dragon slayer, and made it his own? But how though? Wait a minute, Siegfried mentioned earlier that there was a wish he managed to achieve on his own, so lending him his heart may be that wish. Still though, lending Sieg his heart...that's unheard of."

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