A Hero's Fame

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Shirou was having a weird day. In fact, this may be the weirdest day he has ever experienced.

It all started one morning when Shirou woke up on his bed, realizing that Merlin was responsible for knocking him out yesterday. However, when he tried to get out of bed, he realized something.

He was not able to get out of bed. Furthermore, the reason why he was not able to get out of bed earlier was that Arturia and her counterparts were holding on to Shirou, preventing him from leaving.

It took a while for Shirou to quietly escape from Arturia and her counterparts.

And right now, Shirou was walking down one of Chaldea's hallways, minding his own business. However, whenever he would pass by a few servants, they would whisper something.

"Is that true?"

"Yes, it's true actually..."

"Wow, guess there's more to Emiya Shirou than meets the eye..."

"Wow. A servant that can fight extremely well and cook extremely well...whoever gets him will be the luckiest person alive..."

"Indeed. His heroic tale may even surpass the King of Heroes' tale..."

Shirou was confused with the comments and conversations he was hearing from the other servants. "What is going on today? Everyone's whispering around me and they're keeping a distance from me...did I do something wrong here?"

As he continued walking, he eventually arrived at the cafeteria, where EMIYA was there, cooking for the other servants. As Shirou was walking towards the kitchen, everyone that was in the cafeteria was looking at him, confusing him even further. "Okay, everyone's looking at me. Just what is going on here?!"

Soon, Shirou got to the kitchen. "Need some help?" he asked.

"Yeah. Help me with making those dishes over there," EMIYA replied as he pointed to a corner of the kitchen.

"Got it." Shirou then headed towards the corner EMIYA was pointed out earlier and started on the dishes he was talking about earlier. As the two were cooking in the cafeteria, EMIYA continued the conversation.

"So, did anything happen today?" EMIYA asked.

Shirou let out a small sigh. "Yes. I woke up after being knocked out by Merlin for unknown reasons, and the first thing that I noticed was that Arturia and her counterparts were in my bed with me."

EMIYA stopped for a moment upon hearing those words from Shirou's mouth. "You're kidding me."

"Yeah. Luckily, I managed to slip out of my room before anything drastic happened. Although now I'm wondering why Merlin knocked me out earlier..."

"You think Merlin's the one responsible for knocking you out?"

"Yeah. I mean, he's the only one that likes to knock me unconscious, besides mom and Da Vinci of course."

"True..." EMIYA said as he was done making a dish.

Shirou and EMIYA continued cooking. As they did, it was then that four certain servants came into the cafeteria with a smile on their faces.

It was Cu and his counterparts.

"Hey kid!" they exclaimed in unison.

Shirou stopped what he was doing and turned to see Cu and his counterparts, who were coming at Shirou with a grin on their faces.


"Hey kid, why didn't you tell us?" Proto Cu asked.

Shirou was confused. "Tell you guys what?"

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now