Special Singularity

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"Eh? Is this true Da Vinci?" Ritsuka asked.

"Yes Ritsuka. From what we're seeing right now, a new singularity has just appeared out of nowhere," Da Vinci replied as she showed Ritsuka and Mashu the new singularity on the screen.

"When did this appear Da Vinci?" Mashu asked.

"Well...here's the thing. It just showed up today. And suddenly too."

"Is that so? Do you have any information about this new singularity?" Ritsuka asked.

"At the moment, we only have a few bits about it. All we know is that the setting takes place in the modern world and it is currently overrun by unknown enemies that we don't know. Which is why I have a mission for both you and Mashu. I want you two to go into the singularity and see what the situation is going on. Once you two finish your scouting of the area, return to a layline and you'll receive some help later."

"Got it. Are you ready Mashu?" Ritsuka said to Mashu.

"I'm ready senpai," Mashu replied.

"Great! Now, all that's left is for you two to stand on the alter now to rayshift both of you to the location itself," Da Vinci said. Ritsuka and Mashu then followed Da Vinci's orders and went up to the altar. "Okay. rayshifiting in three...two...one!"

In an instant, the alter started to glow around Ritsuka and Mashu. Within a few seconds, Ritsuka and Mashu then disappeared from Chaldea.

"Well, good luck you two," Da Vinci thought.

Ritsuka opened his eyes to see where Da Vinci rayshifted him and Mashu at. He let out a sigh as this time, the rayshifting did not sent him in the air unlike the last time and multiple times that have before. "Well, this time we landed on the ground safely. Thank Shirou for fixing the alter to make the summoning less painful and doesn't involve free-falling..."

"Senpai. Where should we go?" Mashu asked as they checked their surroundings. Right now, they were in a forest of sort.

"For now, let's get out of the forest and see if there's any civilization out there," Ritsuka replied.

Mashu nodded in reply and followed where Ritsuka was going in the forest. Eventually, Ritsuka and Mashu finally got out of the forest and when they did, they saw a city in front of them. While the city was normal, there was a huge building over there that made it stand out. "Okay, there's a city over there, so we can go over there to see if there's any information that we can use to find out what happened here," Ritsuka thought.

However, when they arrived at the city, what they saw in them shocked them.

Because inside the city was multiple bean plushies that were moving around the area.

"Uh senpai. Are you seeing what I am seeing?" Mashu asked.

"Unless if you're seeing something other than moving bean plushies in the air, then yes," Ritsuka replied as he was in shock over what he was seeing.

However, their conversation was cut short when one of the bean plushies went for Ritsuka. "Senpai!" Mashu exclaimed as she went in front of Ritsuka, activating her shield. The bean plushie flew back upon hitting the shield, falling to the ground. Mashu then lowered her shield to see what the attacker looked like.

As she did, both Ritsuka and Mashu were surprised upon seeing a better look at what the bean plushie looked like.

Because the bean plushie looked a lot like Shirou. It had his facial features, although a bit simplified and it was wearing his old high school uniform as an outfit.

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now