Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day, the day of love. Also known as Saint Valentine's Day.

On this day, lovers would give each other gifts and spend time with each other, or some servants would receive chocolates from other servants as either obligation chocolates or homemade chocolates.

And everyone in Chaldea celebrates it as well in the case many couples spending time together, some of the staff members receiving chocolates, and the single people and servants looking at the couples in jealously.

And as for Shirou, this year's Valentine's Day would be crazy for him...

Shirou was walking down the hallway, minding his business. As he did, he then noticed a lot of Chaldea's staff and servants setting up Valentine's Day-related decorations all over the wall. As he looked at the decorations that were being set up, Shirou immediately knew what was going on.

Valentine's Day was getting closer.

"These decorations...this means Valentine's Day is getting closer huh?"

As Shirou continued to look at the decorations being set up, it was then that he heard a voice calling out to him.

"Shirou!" the voice said.

Shirou then turned around to see Ritsuka coming towards him with a box in his hands. "Master?"

"Hey there Shirou. I have a request for you."

"What is it?"

"Can you help me set these decorations in this box around the walls?"

"Sure. I don't mind."

"Great!" Ritsuka then opened the box, revealing more Valentine's Day-related decorations. "All right then, all we need to do is that we just need to put these on the walls."

"Okay then."

Soon, Shirou and Ritsuka began to set up the decorations from the box on to the walls. As they were setting up the decorations, Shirou then started a conversation. "So, Valentine's Day is coming, right?"

"Yup. Which means that things are going to be busy around here," Ritsuka replied as he put up some of the decorations in the box.

"I can see that happening. Speaking of which, can I ask you something master?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"How is Valentine's Day in Chaldea like?"

For a moment, Ritsuka was silent for a moment before letting out a small sigh. "Shirou, Valentine's Day in Chaldea is quite chaotic."

"Really? How so?"

Ritsuka sighed again. "Well...for example, last year, Diarumid got chocolate from nearly all of the female staff from Chaldea. And they were all handmade too."

"You're kidding."

"I wish.

"And let me guess. It's all because of his love spot?"

"Exactly. And because of that, some of the male staff at Chaldea got a bit jealous of him, especially the ones that were single. Heck, even Blackbeard was jealous as well."

Shirou let out a small sigh. "I can see that happening. Any other stories that I should know about?"

Ritsuka gave Shirou's question some time to think before an answer came up. "Oh yeah. There was the time where Raikou, Serenity, and Kiyohime hid in my room and gave me chocolate during last year's Valentine's day."

Shirou was surprised at what Ritsuka said. "Really? They were hiding in your room?"

"Yeah. Kiyohime was hiding under my bed, Serenity was hiding in the vents, and Raikou was hiding in the closet. They said this was a one-time thing, but to this day, I check the entirety of my room to see if any of them still hide in my room whenever I return."

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