White Day

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White Day.

Usually celebrated one month after Valentine's Day, White Day is when people give reciprocal gifts to those who gave them gifts received on Valentine's Day. Sometimes, people would perform sanbai gaeshi, which translate to triple the return in Japanese. When that happens, the return gift that the person must give must be two to three times the worth of the Valentine's gift they received.

Normally, that should not be the case for most couples in Chaldea.

However, to the men who are extremely popular with the ladies, it is complete hell for them.

And Shirou was no exception to that rule...

Shirou was walking down the hallway, minding his own business. As he did, he spotted master, who was carrying a tower of items on him.

And he was having a tough time carrying them. Soon, one of the items toppled over from how unbalanced it was and fell to the ground. "Ah!" he exclaimed as he saw the item fall to the ground. He then gently placed the items he was carrying down to the ground and headed towards to the fallen item.

However, Shirou picked up the item before he could. "Need a hand there, master?"

Ritsuka sheepishly laughed before giving his answer. "Y-Yeah. I could use some here actually."

Shirou let out a smile. "Well then, let me help you carry half of the items you were carrying earlier. Is that okay for you?"


Soon, Shirou went over to where Ritsuka dropped off the items he was carrying earlier and proceeded to take half of them, while Ritsuka took the other half. "All right. Where do you want me to carry these, master?"

"We'll carry them to my room."

Soon, Shirou and Ritsuka began carrying the items over to Ritsuka's room. As they were walking, Shirou decided to ask Ritsuka a question.

"Hey master, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why were you carrying all of those items earlier? Is there something you need to work on later with these items?"

Ritsuka let out a small sigh. "Shirou, you know what White Day is, right?"

Shirou nodded in reply. "Yeah. It's the day where people give reciprocal gifts to those who gave them gifts received on Valentine's Day. There is also the tradition of sanbai gaeshi, which translate to triple the return in Japanese. When that happens, the return gift that the person must give must be two to three times the worth of the Valentine's gift they received. Why?"

"Well...March 14 is coming soon, and I need to give a gift to the girls that gave me gifts on Valentine's Day."

"Really? Who?"

"Mashu, Kiyohime, Serenity, Minamoto-No Raikou, and many others," Ritsuka replied with a sigh.

"I see."

Soon, Shirou and Ritsuka arrived the doorway of Ritsuka's room. "Anyways, good luck master."

"Yeah. It is the biggest thing that I will need right now...and a few extra hands as well. Speaking of which, you should prepare yourself for this as well," Ritsuka jokingly said as the door to his room closed in front of him as he went in.

For a moment, Shirou was confused with what Ritsuka said...until it hit him.

On Valentine's Day, Shirou received many gifts from Arturia and her counterparts, Ishtar and her counterparts, Parvati, Kama, BB and her sisters, Illya and her counterparts, Miyu, Astraea, Nero and her counterparts, Jeanne D'Arc Alter, Okita and her counterpart, and Musashi.

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