A Day With a Goddess of Justice

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"Ohohohohoho! Look at me Sherou! Look at this display of power! More useful than Ishtar, right?" Astraea exclaimed in excitement.

Shirou sighed as he looked at Luvia, or rather Astraea, take down hordes of enemies with her power as he slashed another enemy with his katana. As he continued slashing his enemies, a few thoughts came to his mind.

One which involves the butler outfit he was wearing currently.

And the other was the situation he was in.

"How did I end up in this situation?" he thought as his mind wandered to what happened a few hours ago...

(A few hours ago...)

"You're asking me to pair up with Astraea for a day?" Shirou asked Da Vinci and Ritsuka.

"Yes," both of them said in unison.

"But why?"

Da Vinci let out a sigh. "Honestly, it's because of your interactions with the other servants, and for some reason, she's not happy about it."

Shirou was flabbergasted at Da Vinci's explanation.

"Yeah. In fact, there were a few cases where she got into fights with Ishtar and her rider self after finding out that they spent time with you, and those fights well...they were too explosive even by Chaldea's standards. So, we asked her how to calm her down, and well..." Ritsuka said but was cut off from Shirou.

"In order to calm her down, you asked me to be with her for a day correct?"

"Yes. That is correct. She asked us if you can be with her for a day," Ritsuka said.

Shirou sighed. "Well...I can't refuse, can I?" Ritsuka and Da Vinci nodded, making Shirou sigh again. After a few moments of silence, he said, "Okay. I'll do it."

Ritsuka and Da Vinci smiled as they were glad as they were finally able to get some peace once from those three. Shirou was about to leave before Ritsuka placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait. There's one more thing I need to mention..." Ritsuka said.

Shirou was confused as he turned around...to see Da Vinci holding a familiar butler mystic code.

"Apparently Astraea also wants you to wear this butler mystic code from earlier," Da Vinci said with a smile.

Shirou sighed again.

(Back to the present...)

"Man, can't believe I'm wearing the butler mystic code again...and in a battle of all places. At least Da Vinci did make it stain-proof, so I won't worry about it getting dirty later...but still...this is the first time I've ever done something with Luvia...it could be nice." Shirou thought as he slashed another enemy down.

Meanwhile, Astraea was having the time of her life. After all, weeks of not spending any time with Shirou has resulted in a huge amount of pent-up jealously and rage.

Especially at the Arturias, Rins, Sakuras, Illyas, and the Knights of the Round.

And now after talking with Ritsuka and Da Vinci, she finally got her wish.

Spending time with Shirou.

"Man, I can't believe that my recent tussle with that useless goddess has created an opportunity like this! A day of having Sherou to myself! Might as well thank master later when this is over..." she thought as she kicked an enemy to the ground. As she began to swing her sword against another, she was so drowned in the feeling of fighting alongside Shirou that she didn't notice another enemy coming up behind her.

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