Misunderstandings and Rumors

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AN:Schools a bitch

Ritsuka let out a groan as he was on his bed, tossing and turning as he was trying to get some sleep, but sadly, failed to. "Damn it, I can't get some sleep...and it's all because of what happened in Las Vegas...maybe getting something to drink will make me feel better..."

Ritsuka then got out of his bed and proceeded to leave his room, heading towards the cafeteria. As he was heading towards the cafeteria, he came across Mashu, who seemed to have the same idea as his. "Oh, hey there Mashu."

"Hey there senpai..." Mashu replied as she let out a yawn. "Can't sleep?"

"Yeah. You too huh?"

Mashu nodded. "Right now, well...what happened in Las Vegas is still haunting my mind..."

Ritsuka sighed. "No kidding, I never knew they would actually do that. I know that Arturia and her counterparts love Shirou, but man, that was unexpected."

"Indeed. Even now, the sounds are still stuck in my head..." Mashu muttered as she placed her head down on the table. "What are we going to do...?

Ritsuka gave Mashu's question some thought. After a few seconds, he came up with a solution. "Well...we could go to the doctor for advice."

"You mean Romani? Or Nightingale-san?" Mashu asked as she got herself a glass of water.

Ritsuka let out a chuckle. "Isn't it obvious? Romani of course. Nightingale would just stab both of us with needles."

Mashu laughed for a bit. "That's true...so, tomorrow morning, we'll go to Romani's room for some advice on this problem of ours then."

"Exactly," Ritsuka said as he drank his glass of water. "Well then, it's bad for us to stay up all night, so let's retire to our rooms for the time being.

"Yeah. Good night senpai."

"Good night Mashu."

And the two retired to the rooms for the night. However, little did they know was that someone overheard the conversation they were having in the shadows.

And that someone is a certain wizard who can't shut his mouth.


Merlin let out a smirk. "Oh my, looks like I've overheard something quite interesting...well then, looks like I got some new material to tease Shirou with. Now then I wonder what I will do with this information?"

Romani was in his old office, minding his own business as he was on his chair, relaxing. "Man, it's been a while since I've ever relaxed like this...now then, I wonder what I should do today..."

As he was in his thoughts, it was then he heard a few knocks on his doorstep. "Who is it?" he asked.

"It's me doctor. And I brought Mashu along with me. We need your help with something," Ritsuka said.

Romani was a little surprised with what he just heard. "Really? Both Ritsuka and Mashu need my help with something? That's a first." He then got off his chair and proceeded to open the door. "Come in you two!" he said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you," Mashu said.

Both Ritsuka and Mashu then sat down on two chairs while Romani sat back in front of his desk. "So then, what kind of help you two need?"

"Well...we need your advice with something..." Ritsuka replied.

"Advice? With what?"

"Well...just how can you get rid of nasty thoughts that are plaguing your mind?" Mashu asked.

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