The Council Of Arturias

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Arturia and her counterparts.

When it comes to Arturia and her counterparts, the relationship between all of them...can be a mixed batch. For example, the mysterious heroines want to rid Chaldea of all the Arturias (aside from Arturia Lily) while Arturia Lily is nice to every one of her counterparts.

However, despite their differences, there are two things they all have in common with each other.

One is their hatred of Archer Gilgamesh, who constantly tries to ask any of them out for marriage which ends in disaster of course...

And the other is their love for Shirou.

And when something bad happens/or will happen to Shirou, all differences and past rivalries are swept aside as they talk about the threat and join together to protect him.

Arturia was running towards a certain room. As she did, she came into the room, which was filled with her counterparts.

"Hm? Is there something wrong me? You seemed to be exhausted," Arturia Lily said.

For a moment, Arturia was gathering breath before she let out one sentence that made everyone freak out.

"Everyone...Morgan's back," she said.

At that moment, Arturia's counterparts immediately stopped what they were doing. "Well, this calls for an emergency meeting immediately," Arturia Alter said.

"Indeed," everyone else said in unison.

Soon, Arturia and her counterparts began to clear out the room they were using and started to add in tables, chairs, and a bunch of other things. By the time when they were done reorganizing the room they were in, the room itself looked like a meeting room for a top-tier business company.

As they were done, Arturia and her counterparts began to sit in a chair they chose. "All right, let us begin this meeting. As I mentioned earlier, we now have a huge problem to deal with," Arturia said.

"You mean Morgan, correct?" Arturia Lily asked.

"Yes. And furthermore, she had her own set of knights as well."

At that moment, Caster Arturia decided to join into the conversation. "Were there three people as her set of knights?" she asked.

"Yes. Do you who they are?"

Caster Arturia let out a long sigh. "Yeah. The big knight is Fairy Knight Gawain, known as Barghest. The gloomy knight is Fairy Knight Tristan, also known as Baobahn Sith, and the small knight is known as Fairy Knight Lancelot, known as Melusine."

At that moment, Arturia and her counterparts beside the mysterious heroines and idols looked at her shock. "Barghest?! Baobhan Sith?! Melusine?! They're fairies from fae legends!" Archer Arturia yelled.

"Yeah. And judging by what you said earlier, the Morgan that master happened to summon happens to be the one from my timeline," Caster Arturia continued.

Everyone was silent for a moment until Arturia continued the conversation. "What is the Morgan in your timeline like?" she asked.

"Well, since in my timeline I didn't pull Caliburn from the stone, I didn't become king of Britain. Instead, Morgan became the ruler of Britain. However, there was one huge difference between my world and your world."

"What?" Lancer Arturia Alter asked.

"In my world, Britain was known as the Fairy Kingdom of Britain, where humanity is...well, treated as cattle since humanity couldn't reproduce themselves and fairies were the dominate race of the entire country. They were treated as slaves and were kept on ranches until given to a fairy to be their owner."

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