Summer Shenanigans

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"Wah! The beach! It's been a while since we went here senpai!" Mashu yelled happily and excitedly while looking at the beach in front of her.

"I know Mashu. When was the last time we went to the beach?" Ritsuka asked.

"I don't know. Maybe last year before Shirou-san arrived here?"

"Maybe. Anyways, wonder what's Shirou up to?"

"He's unloading the beach supplies along with the other servants. Speaking of which, there he is."

And it was then that Shirou appeared with a bunch of beach supplies.

Right now, it was the season of summer and Ritsuka and Mashu were on vacation after a few days of hard work finishing missions and maintaining Chaldea under the orders of Da Vinci. As Ritsuka and Mashu were coming over to where Shirou was, they saw him unloading some beach supplies.


"Hm? Oh, master, enjoying the view?" Shirou asked.

"Yes. Need some help carrying those supplies?" Ritsuka replied.

"No. I can handle this."

"Are you sure Shirou-san?" Mashu asked.

"Yeah. Anyways, are we okay doing this? I mean, taking a vacation right now of all times," Shirou worryingly asked as he placed some beach supplies down.

"Relax. Chaldea gave me a one week all-expenses paid trip to here, so there's no need to worry about that. In case if you were wondering, this isn't the first time I went on a vacation here. Plus, if even anything goes wrong at Chaldea, I've got teleport spells to transfer us back there instantly."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I've done this multiple times, so there's no worry."

"Spending time on the vacation or using the transporting spells?"

"The former."

"I see. Well in that case, I hope you enjoy your vacation master. You too Mashu," Shirou said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah! You too Shirou-san!" Mashu said.

Soon, Ritsuka and Mashu left for the beach, leaving Shirou alone with the beach supplies as he set them up. "Seven days huh...hopefully, nothing disastrous will happen within these seven days..."

Shirou was at the beach, looking at the waves as the sound of water splashing towards the sand calmed his mind. "The beach...huh? It's been a while since I've been there...speaking of which, I don't even remember the last time I've been here..."

"Shirou!" a voice called out. Shirou turned around to see where the voice came from. As he did, it was Arturia who was coming over to him with a beach volleyball in her hands.


"Shirou, what are you doing?"

"Hm? Just looking at the waves. Why?"

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to know. Anyways, do you want to play beach volleyball with me and my counterparts?"

Shirou thought about Arturia's request and said, "Yes."

Arturia's face brightened upon hearing Shirou saying yes. "Great! Follow me then!"

Shirou soon got off from the beach cloth he was sitting on and followed Arturia to where her counterparts were. As they arrived, they were all waiting at a beach volleyball setup they made earlier.

"You're finally here, Shirou," Arturia Alter said.

"Where were you?" Arturia Lily asked.

"Yeah. You shouldn't keep your king waiting Shirou," Lancer Arturia Alter said.

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