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Fred and I spent the next week trying to get Snape to laugh. A seemingly impossible task. Which it was. This man was emotionless. We tried jokes, didn't work. Pranks, nope didn't work either.

By the end of the week we were completely out of ideas. But we couldn't give up, we needed the chocolate.

"So boys, how's it going with Snape?" Y/n asks, walking up beside us in the hall.

"Not great" I sigh.

"How about we just have to make him smile?" Fred suggests.

"Ok, but then you only get 4 chocolate bars" y/n replies. We sigh. It was less chocolate, but at least it would be an easier task. "Ok I have to go" she says "good luck" she walks over to another Hufflepuff girl. This was y/n's best friend, I knew this because I had seen them hanging out a lot.

"So, got any more ideas?" Fred asks. I shake my head. "Well, we have to think of something" he says.

"Wait, I have an idea, it may be stupid, but it's an idea" I say. Fred turns to me, "go on"

"Well, which student does Snape despise the most?" I ask. Fred thinks for a moment, then replies with "in our year?"

"Well that would be easier" I say.

"Hmm...probably us" Fred answers. He wasn't wrong.

"Well, what about that one Slytherin boy, what is his name? Whatever, I know that Snape is the head of Slytherin house, but I can tell he despises him" I ponder.

"Oh! I know who you're talking about! Yeah what's his name?" Fred says excitedly.

"It doesn't matter, you know who I'm talking about, anyways we could prank him and maybe that will crack the man" I say. A big grin grows on Fred's face

"That's brilliant George" he says.

That night we come up with a plan of how to prank the boy and our plan is just stupid enough, it may work. We decide to put the plan into action the next day. There was about a 15 minute gap where no one would be in the classroom and that's when we set it up. We put a bucket of freezing water above the door. It was a basic, but effective prank. We found a way to make the bucket stay until we wanted it to drop.

Once we were finished, we quickly left the room and came in at our normal time, we always showed up before the boy so it wasn't a problem. We sat in our seats and waited for him to walk in. Y/n and her best friend sat in front of us. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around confused.

"Watch Snape" I say with a smirk. She grins and nods.

Snape stood at the front of the class, waiting for the boy and his friends to show up, since they were always late. About 5 minutes after class was supposed to start, the boy's friends came stumbling into the class laughing. He followed after them and then it happened. A shriek came from the door. Everyone looked and saw him standing there soaked. The room filled with laughter and Fred and I watched as a small smile formed on Snape's face. It was gone as quickly as it had showed up, but it had happened. We had made Snape smile.

Y/n turned around giggling. "Good job, I'll give the, to you after class ok?" She says. We nod, excited to get more chocolate.

After class we walked up to y/n in the hall. She gave a small bow to us as a joke as she handed us the bars.

"Thank you m'lady" I say returning the bow. Fred had already opened one of the bars and began eating it.
                                                              Your POV
After I said goodbye to the twins, I went back to the Hufflepuff common room. I sat down on the couch next to my best friend, Charlotte.
I had many friends, but only three really close ones.

Charlotte, she was easily one of the kindest people I had ever met. She was in Hufflepuff and we shared a dorm. She had sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was who I usually sat with for class and we had been friends since first year. We met right after she almost made us both fall down the moving staircase, best friends ever since.

Jessica, she was so fun to be around. She was very witty and always had a comeback for everything. She was in Slytherin but didn't fall into any of the stereotypes. She was very kind and would do anything for her friends. She had hair the colour of dark chocolate and her eyes were a deep brown as well. Jess was very clever but not in a book type of way. She was very good at solving real life problems and was very good at helping with bad situations.

And Cedric, he was more of my therapist than friend if I'm being honest. He was always there to listen to me vent and he gave advice where he could. He was a year older than me and we had  met one time when I had gotten lost on my third day of school. He helped me find my way around the schools which I very much appreciated. He was nothing like some of the douchebags he hung out with. He was charming and kind and very thoughtful. We were close but only really hung out during meals and in the common room. But if I had a rough day or needed to talk, he was always there for me.
All three of them were better friends than I could have ever hoped for, and I felt like Fred and George were going to become my good friends really soon.

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