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Maggie and I went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"So...have you learned any new spells?" She asks

"Yeah a few" I reply

"Can you show me?"

"Sorry, no magic outside of school" I say

"Aww" she sighs

"Don't want to get expelled" I shrug.

"Ok, I made you this" she says handing me a small box.

"What's this?" I ask taking the box.

"Open it" she says. I open the box and inside is a necklace made with beads. I have a big smile on my face. The beads are my favourite colours and spelled out in letter beads is her nickname for me.

"I love this so much, thank you" I say giving Maggie another hug.

"You're welcome" she replies.

"Well, I was going to wait until later, but since we're giving each other presents now..." I say grabbing a present from under the tree. I give it to her and she rips it open. Inside is a chocolate frog.

"What it a 'chocolate frog'?" She asks reading the label on the blue box.

"It's a wizard treat, but don't tell anyone I gave it to you ok?" I say. She nods and opens the box "but be carefu-" I get interrupted by the frog jumping straight onto my head. Maggie's eyes are wide

"Whoa" she says quietly. I try to grab the chocolate frog off of my head but it jumps away. Luckily it jumps back into Maggie's hands. She eats it and we continue to talk.

"This is really good" she says while eating the chocolate.

"Right? Next year we can each get one on the train." I reply. She sighs "what's up?" I ask

"I'm just, scared, about going to Hogwarts" she admits.

"You have no reason to worry, Hogwarts is completely safe and you'll understand the classes". I try to comfort her.
But what if I'm not as popular as you and don't make any friends?"

"Are you kidding me? You are like the most fun person ever"

She smiles at this. "But what if I get Slytherin house?"

"What's wrong with that?" I ask

"Well aren't they mean?" She replies

"Oh absolutely not. I mean some of them are, but there are mean people in every house. Besides, one of my best friends is in Slytherin and she is super nice. But I understand if you want to be in Gryffindor like your dad, or Ravenclaw like your mum" I say.

"I want to be in Hufflepuff, like you" she corrects me.

"Well no matter what house you get, I will be there for you. If you need anything, I'll be there to help." I reassure her. She smiles.


The break was now over and I was at the station with my parents. I was pushing my cart and walking to platform 9 3/4. We found it and ran through the brick wall. There was students saying goodbye to their parents everywhere and talking to their friends.

"Hey mrs. Spaghetti!" I heard from behind me. I knew it was George. I rolled my eyes at the dorky nickname.

I turned around and saw Fred and George.

"Hey guys" I say back. "Mom, dad this is George, and Fred" I say pointing to which twin was which.

"So these are the mischief causing twins we've heard about?" My dad asks.

"You've been talking about us y/l/n?" Fred grins. I roll my eyes.

"We're flattered, really" George jokes putting his hand on his heart.

"Y'know, you guys remind me of some boys I went to school with." My dad says to the twins. They both smile.

"Well bye mom, dad" I say giving them both a kiss in the cheek. They wave goodbye and I get onto the train with Fred and George.

"Hey, why don't you sit with us?" Fred offers.

"Thanks, but I promised Jess I would sit with her, sorry. But I'll see you guys at school ok?" I reply. They both sigh.

"Okay" they say in pouty voices. I look around for where Jess was sitting and knocked on the door. She opened it and gave me a big hug.

"Hi y/n!" She exclaims

"Hi Jess!" I exclaim back.

"So how was you're break?" I ask.

"Good, I went sledding and got a big bruise on my forehead when I ran into a wall" she says taking off her hat to reveal the bruise.

"Oh, well my parents got my a new set of quills with ink" I reply.

"Nice! I got new clothes, even though I have to wear my uniform most of the time"

"My parents never really buy me clothes, I have to get my own" I sigh. "Oh also Maggie made me this" I say showing the necklace, which was tied around my neck,

"Oooh that's so cute" Jess smiles.


                                                            George's POV

We were back at Hogwarts and it was time for dinner. We all sat at the Great Hall, ready to eat. Then the food appeared on the table.

"George!" I hear someone call from the Hufflepuff table. I look up and see y/n pointing at a big plate of spaghetti with a huge smile on her face. I give her a thumbs up and nod.

Darn it. I liked her.

Such a Hufflepuff (George Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now