Missed you

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Your POV

I moved back home for awhile.

It was the least I could do.

My family was dealing with the loss of Maggie, as was I.

But the time I spent at home was different from that summer after sixth year.

If anything, it was worse.

I didn't go out on walks. I didn't talk as if they were there. I didn't keep busy.

I stayed shut in my room, alone.

My mom didn't question it, she left me unbothered.

Dad was busying himself with work, so he wasn't home half the time anyways.

I left my room for food and to go to the washroom and that was about it.

I just couldn't face them. My parents, my aunt and uncle, I could barely look at myself in the mirror sometimes. I blamed myself.

I should've been with Maggie. I could've protected her. Instead, I was knocked out on the ground, useless.

Sometimes I would write in the journal Maggie had given me for Christmas all those years ago but, it only made me begin crying and I had to stuff it into my closet.

One of the worst parts of all of this was Maggie's funeral. I had to talk to my aunt and uncle and I felt horrible the whole time. Though they said they didn't blame me, I felt I should be held completely accountable. I had even promised to always stay with her and protect her, I couldn't even do that.

Telling Jess's muggle boyfriend was a whole other kind of guilt.

Of course I got stuck with the job of telling him. And not even the truth! A car crash? A complete lie. I hated that I had to lie to him and the way he started to tear up and admitted he had proposed only months before.

My friends wrote, but I never could bring myself to reply.

I didn't want them to worry and I was tired of lying. If they knew I had been locked up in my room all this time, they would be here in a heart beat. But they had lives and I didn't want to intervene.

The twins were busy with the shop and Charlotte was starting a job at the ministry of magic soon.

Where was I going with my life? No idea. I didn't feel like thinking about the future. Well, about anything at all.

It had been about three months I had spent at home and I decided I was going to go out.

My mother was shocked when I came downstairs. Probably surprised that I was wearing something besides my pyjamas.

"I'm going out." I say simply.

"O-ok" she says.

George's POV

"She hasn't written, I'm starting to get worried"

"George, she's going through something and right now she might just need to be alone" Fred advises.

"Yeah- yeah you're right. I'm just being a helicopter boyfriend" I sigh.

"A heli- hoota- what?"

"It's something y/n said- it means that I'm like- overprotective or something" I explain.

"Oh..." Fred nods.

"Have you heard anything from Charlotte lately?" I ask.

"No, really busy apparently" he shrugs.

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