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3rd person POV

Years later, George finally got up the courage to ask Y/n to marry him.

She obviously said yes.

And after quite a lot of convincing, George gave in and let her serve spaghetti. But, it was on one condition. Instead of a cake, they just had chocolate bars. Though Y/n did have a small cake off to the side, since Charlotte "wasn't going to a wedding where there was no freakin cake".

And yes, Fred was the flower girl. Which caused his girlfriend Charlotte (Also Y/n's maid of honour) to roll her eyes as he skipped down the aisle happily. He wore the dress he had picked out whilst going dress shopping with Y/n and Charlotte. He liked it because he felt like a princess and was quite disappointed when Charlotte didn't let him wear a tiara.

Y/n and George had also moved in together.

It wasn't an easy task.

"No! Please! I can't live alone! Please brother! Please don't leave!" Fred pleaded, clutching onto George's leg as he tried packing.

"Fred, Y/n and I are married now" he reasoned.

"So?! We could get another room for her and be one big happy family!"

"You can ask her but-"

"OK! Y/N?! Y/N!? Y/N ARE YOU HERE?!" Fred shouted, standing up and letting go of George's legs.

"Yeah? What's up?" Y/n asked walking up the stairs.

"Do you wanna move here instead!?" Fred says excitedly.

"Hmm? What are you on about?" She chuckles.

"Move here! You and George live here, with me! Please y/n, I can't live alone!"

"Wait, you're serious? Fred, what's going to happen if you ever want to live with Charlotte. Aka, your girlfriend."

"She can move in here too! It's our shop Georgie! This way you don't have to apparate to work everyday!"

"Fred, y/n and I are a family now...we need our privacy" George says cautiously.

"I'll give you privacy" Fred mutters sadly.

"Hey Fred, you and George will be working together everyday and we can also have dinner all together once or twice a week. And you can even have sleepovers sometimes, we'll make you your own special Freddie room" Y/n smiled at him.


"Of course"

"....ok" Fred finally answers.

So now there they were, at their own house, sitting in the only room yet to be decorated.

Y/n was lying on her back with her feet against the wall, utterly exhausted. George doing the same next to her.

"I think it looks pretty nice in here, let's just leave it like this" Y/n sighs.

"We could, and just decorate it later for like a nursery or something" George shrugs

Y/n turns to face him and he quickly says, "t-that was just an example. If you don't want kids, I understand"

"No, I do......someday...." she replies.

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