Almost Christmas

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Ok so I'm gonna do a bit of a time skip to before Christmas because I'm having a slight bit of writers block so...yeah 😀 Also, sorry for the late update.

"Char? Char? Charlotte? Charred chicken? Parking lot? Charlotte Luella Albertine?" I sing.

"Hmm? What?" She rolls over in her bed to face me.

"Christmas holiday is a week away" I smile, crouching by her side.

"Oh my god, I don't care!" She grumbles and rolls back over.

"It's Christmas!"


"So? SO?! It's Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year!" I cheer.

"You've woken me up early for the past three weeks to tell me how many days until holiday." She groans.

"You can't complain! You've woken me up early every single day since first year" I say back.

"Look whatever, just go" she grumbles and waves to the door.

"Alright then" I roll my eyes "don't know why you're so grouchy all of a sudden"

I leave our dorm since I was already dressed and go to breakfast. About half an hour later, Charlotte comes trudging into the Great Hall. She slumps into the seat next to me and lays her head down on the table.

"Hey, are you good? You look tired" I inquire and take a drink of my orange juice.

She glares at me and begins scooping food onto her plate.

"Wow, you're mad at me for waking you up-"

"Not in the mood Y/n" she interrupts me.

"You sure you're good?" I ask, getting more concerned. Charlotte wasn't usually snappy like this.

"Yes. Now please, leave me alone to eat"

I shrug and turn back to my breakfast.

"We have the last DA meeting today" I try to make conversation.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." She mumbles.

We finish breakfast and then at the end of the day, head to the room of requirement.

During the meeting we practice a review of things and then bid everyone a merry Christmas.

Me and Charlotte leave together and once we're a ways away Charlotte runs off.

What was going on with her? And were those tears in her eyes?

I stand stunned for a moment, watching her dash away.

"Can't believe him"

"Rejecting our legendary products"

"Pshh honestly"

I turn to see the twins walking down the hall carrying some brightly coloured boxes.

"Y/n!" George cheers.

"Y/n, you've always enjoyed our inventions" Fred smiles and the both hurry up to me with their boxes.

"Yeah, when you weren't tricking me into admitting my feelings" I say sarcastically.

"Yup, yup yup yup, anyways, would you like to see some of our new concoctions?" George asks.

"Hmm....sure" I reply skeptically.

"Now these, we find very helpful to skip class" Fred begins.

"Earn you an easy trip to the hospital wing" George finishes.

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