The grand opening

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It was the day of the grand opening of the shop and Y/n was showering whilst Fred and I were setting up some last minute displays.

Suddenly I heard a loud shriek come from upstairs.


"Uh oh, looks like your in trouble" Fred sang.

I sent him a nervous glare and then rushed upstairs with Fred behind me.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU!" Y/n shouted.

"What? Are you ok? Y/n!?" I asked worriedly.

"YOU-" she swung the bathroom door open "THIS IS NOT FUNNY!" She pointed angrily at her hair, which was now bright purple.

"Y/n- I promise this wasn't on purpose! I meant it as a prank for Fred! I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

I expected her to yell at me again, but instead, a smirk formed on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, do you think I'm an idiot?" She questioned.

"No?" I said cautiously.

"We used the same shampoo on Ron last summer, don't think I wouldn't know my own recipe?" Fred said from behind me.

"You-" I began.

"I saw you were trying to prank me, so I called Y/n for some help teaching you a lesson. She happily agreed." Fred grinned.

Y/n held out her hand to Fred and he placed a small vile in her hand.

"Thank you," she sang "you're sure it works?"

"Pretty sure, and even if not, hair grows back" Fred shrugs.

She sent him a glare and the turned on her heel, back into the bathroom.

Once she closed the door, it was my turn to glare at Fred.

"What? I know the only reason you were pranking me was to get her to laugh anyways" he grins.

"Shut up" I say and then we both go back downstairs.

Soon enough Y/n came down the stairs admiring our work.

"Beautiful displays boys" she beams.

"Why thank you" we say together.

"We've got to open up soon." I observe the clock.

                                                        Your POV

The shop wasn't as busy as we'd hoped for the first few hours, but soon people began to become intrigued and filed in. There were a few familiar faces in the crowd.

One I didn't even notice until she wrapped her arms tightly around my torso.

"Well hello there Maggie" I smiled down at her.

"Hi Y/n!" She cheered.

"How's the Peter and Eric situation coming?" I asked as she pulled away.

"And Aaron" she added.

"Wow, when I was thirteen, boys tried to put as much distance from me as possible" I scoffed.

"Yeah, but look at how that worked out for you now" She giggled, motioning her head at George, who was explaining a product excitedly to a group of eleven year olds.

"Yeah, whatever. So, how is the love triangle, plus one, going?" I asked.

"Fine, I guess. They're all giving me space which is good...I- I wish that you still went to Hogwarts so you were there to help me" she sighed.

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