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It was now almost Fred and mine's birthday. Well it was tomorrow and we were sitting in our dorm too excited to sleep.

"Hey George?" Fred whispers.

"Yeah?" I whisper back.

"Our birthday is tomorrow"

"Oh WoW, i HaD nO cLuE" I say mockingly.

"Crazy right?" He jokes.

'Totally" I reply. We finally end up falling sleep and we wake up the next morning, almost forgetting what day it was. We quickly remember.



"IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY!" we shout in unison. We quickly get dressed and race down to the common room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Lee shouts, from one of the couches.

"WE ARE SIXTEEN!" Fred shouts. We all dance around in circles excitedly.

"What is all this ruckus about?" Ron asks while coming down the stairs.

"Dear brother don't you know what day it is?" I ask.

"Oh Godric" he sighs. "April fools day?" He asks.

"Nope, try again" Fred says.

"Uh... is it-"

"IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY!" we cut him off. He rolls his eyes

"Oh yeah"

"Don't be jealous that it's out special day brother" I tease him. He rolls his eyes again and then goes back up to the dorms, probably to go get Harry.

"Shall we go to breakfast now?" Fred asks us. We nod and leave for the Great Hall.
The day is very exciting. We pull multiple pranks but only get caught for one. We still get detention which is such a rip-off! They shouldn't be allowed to give students detention on their birthday. At lunch we are sitting in the great hall when we get a howler. Fred and I look at each other nervously. We carefully open it.

"FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY!" It shouts. We are both scared at what it will say next, "Happy Birthday" it says sweetly. The whole Great Hall was laughing at this point and so were we. I made a mental note to write mum a letter to say thank you.

We were on our way back to our common room after Filch yelled at us for pranking him. I see y/n skipping down the hallway, coming towards us.

"Happy birthday guys!" She exclaims as she skips by.

I feel myself blush. And Fred notices. Yay.

"Uh huh you totally don't like her." He says sarcastically, elbowing me in the side.

"Fine" I sigh. "Can we talk somewhere more private?"

Fred nods eagerly and we go back to our dorm. Lee is there, but since I'm telling Fred, I might as well tell him too.

"Now this is your present ok?" I say to Fred.

"Yes! Now just tell us!" He exclaims.

"Ok fine, I like y/n. Wow so surprising." I say sarcastically

"I KNEW IT!" Fred shouts, and begins to dance around the room.

"If either of you says anything, I will personally drown you in the black lake" I threaten.
They both nod.

"So, are you gonna tell her?" Fred asks

"Are you crazy!?"

"Just saying, what if someone else ask her out first? She is very pretty y'know" Fred says. I narrow my eyes at him. "I'm just saying" he defends.

I sigh "I guess you're right. But what if she doesn't feel the same?"

"Then she's a bitch" Lee says. Fred and I both look at him. "Sorry, too harsh, then she's a meanie"

Fred and I crack up at this. The truth was that I really was scared to tell her about how I felt, but I knew that someone else would ask her out if I waited too long.

Sorry it's short

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