Detention, but make it ✨worse than before✨

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T.W. Detention with Umbitch.

George's arms are wrapped around my waist when I wake up.

For a moment, I feel at ease.

Then I quickly realize what would happen.

"George!" I whisper shout.

He looks at me confused, but still half asleep.

"George get up!" I shove him.

"What? Why?" He whines.

"Cause were going to get in trouble if a teacher comes in!" I explain.


"Get. Up. Now."

"No." He says plainly and rolls to face away from me.

I knew that if any teacher, let alone the new professor Umbridge, were to find us like this we would be in big trouble for sure.

"George, if you get up, I'll let you hold my hand" I mutter.

His head perks up at that.

"And give me kisses?" He asks, delighted.

"Yes, and I'll give you kisses" I sigh.

"Ok!" He cheers and skips over to where Fred was sleeping.

I shake my head and sigh. Then I go back to sleep.

When I wake up, there is a shrieking noise form the other side of the Great Hall.

I rub my eyes and sit up to see Umbridge yelling at some sixth years.

"Students of opposite genders are absolutely prohibited to be sleeping in the same bed! Come with me, I'll settle this." She says in a sickly high voice.

I look over at George and give him a look to say 'told you so' .

He shrugs and blows me a kiss.

I roll my eyes get up for classes like a bunch of other students.

Classes weren't the most exciting today and they weren't for the next two weeks either (slight time skip)

I was in DADA class with, of course, Umbridge. Ew.

"Hey y/n, what pages are we reading?" Charlotte whispers from behind me.

"Oh uh, I think we're-"

"Miss Y/l/n! You will not disrupt my class with your talking!" Umbridge says from the front of the class.

"I was just-"

"Detention, my office, tonight five o'clock" Umbridge ordered.

'Is this bitch serious?'

I was just helping a friend. Charlotte was also talking. I was beginning to think Umbridge had it out for me.

I huffed and crossed my arms since Umbridge was now facing the blackboard.

"Make that, two nights" she sang.

I bit my tongue to keep me from saying what I really wanted to. But then again, what was a few extra nights of detention.

"I was just trying to help a friend" I mutter, making sure not to get Charlotte into trouble.

"Miss Y/l/n! Would you like to make it a week!?" She says in a shrill voice, obviously annoyed at me.

"Sure, why not?" I shrug.

How bad could detention be?

A smirk spreads across her face.

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